Page 65 of Breaker
He chuckles, kissing my head. "There’s nothing to discuss. You're my old lady, plain and simple.” He moves his lips to my ear, gently kissing behind it before whispering, "I'm never letting you go, Quinn, and I think I've proved that over the past few months. I love you, my Goldie."
My eyes tear up, but I smile wide and whisper, "I love you too, my Alex."
How did I get so lucky?
I sigh as I watch Noah sitting at the table near the sand pit, his eyes not leaving the spot he stood when Jingles held a gun to his head.
Yesterday, he turned six, but he didn't want to celebrate. Instead, he laid on Quinn all day in the medical room.
I don't know how to help him.
I smile when a hand touches my shoulder, feeling her before seeing her. My girl sits next to me on the patio, and I instantly wrap my arm around her as her head goes to my chest.
I gently play with the tips of her hair. "You should be in bed resting."
She hums. "I needed some fresh air."
I nod, keeping my eyes on our boy, and whisper, "I'm worried about him. He's sat there for over half an hour, staring at the same spot."
She nods, staying quiet for a minute before saying, "Maybe talking to Tats' momma will help him? People say kids bounce back, but I think he needs that extra help."
I smile, kiss her forehead, and rasp, "I love you, Goldie." She hums, gripping my cut before I actually look at her. A grin spreads across my face at what she’s wearing. "Well, look who's wearing my patch."
She giggles. "I think it suits me." She looks at me, her emotions shining through those gorgeous blue eyes of hers as she rasps, "Thank you for not giving up on me, for sitting outside my front door every evening, and for showing me what I mean to you. You brought me back, you helped me believe love is real and, yes, scary, but also all-consuming and freeing. I love you, Alex."
My eyes tear up with her words, and I kiss her hard before rasping, "I'll always fight for you; you're my world."
She smiles, puts her head back on my chest, and whispers, "Was I seeing things, or was Amber in the common room?"
I chuckle darkly. "Her ban was lifted for good behavior after the incident in my office, knowing she wasn't an accomplice with Suzy. She’s got her sights set on Sniper. According to some clubwhores, he's emotionally unavailable, so she's decided to take up bar work here for extra money, much to Sarah and Snake's dismay. But his momma begged."
Quinn snorts. "Sniper, who has hardly been here?" I nod before my eyes widen when she whispers, "The same Sniper who has been wearing a wedding band?"
I pull back to look at her wide-eyed and stutter, "He, I, uh, I mean…what the fuck!"
She giggles at my reaction but nods, then states, "Wait until he tells you guys. He's kept it to himself for a reason, and it was only by chance that I saw it. The sun had hit it when he was in the medical room, trying to keep me company. I was shocked but looked away before he noticed I saw it."
I'm in shock. I mean…fuck me.
I shake my head. "That would explain why the clubwhores have started to bitch about him not being around. According to Stench, he hasn't touched any of them for nearly a year."
She nods, looking back at Noah, who is still in the same spot. She hums momentarily before her eyes light up, and then shouts, "Hey, munchkin!" Noah snaps out of it and looks our way. His eyes light up when he sees Quinn out of bed with a cut on, and she asks him, "Do you happen to know why all of my stuff is unpacked at your daddy's house?"
How does she know that? She grins, and I sigh. She didn't know. She just fucking guessed.
Oh well, at least she doesn't look pissed.
Noah freezes momentarily before stuttering, "I um, uh…."
"Like father, like son," Quinn mutters, making me grin, before the back door opens and Noah's eyes light up.
"Grampy!"he shouts, causing Quinn to look behind us and her mouth to open in shock.
She asks, "Since when did he start calling my dad Grampy?"