Page 71 of Breaker
I groan, dropping my head, rasping, "Ah fuck…." The brothers start to laugh at my predicament and, fuck, am I tempted to point out Sniper's wedding ring.
My girl was right, the fucker got married but isn't saying anything just yet, and I really want this attention off me.
As open my mouth to point it out, but the church door is slammed open, making us all look ready to grab our pieces. Instead, the brothers scoot back, and I flinch at the anger in my girl's eyes.
She points at me and shouts, "You mother fucking son of a—" she pauses. "Nope, not saying it, I love your momma."
The brothers try not to smirk, as Crow just grins and states, "She loves you, too, darling, but now that you're carrying her second grandchild, she'll be even happier."
Quinn freezes momentarily, and I furrow my brows as she asks, "Second grandchild?"
My eyes widen as the brothers silently curse, and I ask, "That's why you're mad, right?"
She looks at me, confused, and states, "No, I'm mad because you sold my Fiat, a car I worked my ass for, and swapped it for the truck." Ah fuck. "I'm not…." She looks around the room before looking back at me. "I'm not pregnant, Alex, I'm on the pill, and I had my period…." She stops for a moment, thinking, as Tech mutters, "shit."
I nod because she's about to fly off the handle.
Quinn's eyes narrow, and she asks coldly, "My period is nearly two weeks late. Why would Crow think I'm pregnant, Alex?"
I clear my throat. "Well, you…uh see…. I noticed it was late, and just happened to mention that I think you might be…."
The brothers wince, and I, yeah, I know I should tell her the truth, but fuck does my girl look scary right now.
She tilts her head. "I'm on the pill."
I swallow hard and nod. "But…uh, the pill can sometimes fail."
She doesn't believe me. She places her hands on her hips and states, "Yes, they do…. But you have made sure to always come inside me the past few months. Why is that, Alex?"
"Fuck," Snake whispers, moving away from the table, along with the other brothers.
"Please, fucking tell me you did not mess with my birth control to trap me?"
I wince at her words and state, "It's not trapping when you are my old lady and the love of my life."
Her face reddens before she screeches,"We're not even married yet, you jackass! And I wanted to adopt Noah first!"
I smile at her words because I can't help it, and I ask, "You want to adopt him?"
The brothers try to hide their smiles because she looks scary right now. They don't want to piss her off any more than she is.
She states, "You know damn well I want to, and you know what, jackass? Enjoy the couch and your blue balls for the foreseeable future, because you are in the fucking doghouse." I go to protest. Still, she ignores me and looks at Doc and points at him. "You meet me in the medical room. I had drinks with Lola last night, and thanks to that jackass, I could have endangered the baby."
I silently curse.
I've managed to ensure she hasn't had a drink the past few weeks, and yesterday and last night, I was out on club business with Tats, ensuring the fuckers who Jingles helped were all gone after two were spotted in the street. The townsfolk are happy and safe. I wasn’t there to stop her from getting drunk.
She looks at me, anger radiating off her as she grabs Snipers' cup and throws it at me, screaming. I duck, just missing it as she storms out of the room.
Doc winces. "I'll, uh, go after her. Just, fuck, tell Ken I miss her, please. And I'm sorry, brother, for the accusations. I just, I love her so much, and yeah, good luck."
I nod in understanding as he goes after my woman.
The room is quiet until Crow speaks up and asks, "So, how about a betting pool to see how long she lasts without him in their bed? I'm going with twenty-four hours."
The brothers laugh as I shake my head with a smirk, and Snake states, "I'll give her three hours starting tonight," making me grin.
"That was my favorite cup," Sniper moans, and we all laugh.