Page 32 of The Match
Joanna waves away my comment with a good-natured smile. “Water under the bridge. Believe it or not, you’re not the first parent to not want a service dog for their child. It’s a little scary deciding to allow your baby’s safety to be put in the hands of a dog—or paws, I should say. But believe me, those paws are more than capable.”
“I see that now, and I’m excited to find out what Sam’s new future will look like with Daisy. And it’s all thanks to Evie. She’s put in so much time here with my daughter, and I’m really grateful for all of her help.”
Joanna beams at me like I couldn’t have given a more perfect answer. She tosses a glance over her shoulder to Evie, who opens the door and gestures for Joanna to walk out. Joanna just turns back to me, a new devious smile in place of the previous businessy one. “Evie really is the best. Never have I seen a heart bigger than hers.”
“Yep, I have a big ol’ heart! Well, thanks for coming to check on everything, Jo! Tell Gary I said hi!” Evie’s tone is shrill and panicked.
Joanna pays zero attention to her. Her eyes narrow on me, and I have a feeling I’m about to find out why Evie has been so adamant to get Joanna out of my house. “Mr. Broaden, has Evie told you about the benefit she’s been planning? We’re hoping to raise enough money to be able to give the dogs we are currently training to future recipients free of charge. It was all Evie’s idea.”
“JO, YOUR CAR IS ON FIRE!” Evie yells.
Joanna just bats her hand behind her and waits for my answer.
“No, she didn’t. That is really incredible, though. When is it?” Why didn’t Evie tell me about it? Suddenly, I remember our first conversation, where I accused her of trying to make a big commission off the dogs, and I feel even worse about my prior behavior. Is that why she didn’t want to tell me? Because she didn’t want me to see it as her being defensive?
“It’s the Thursday after next. Going to be quite the shindig—
a black-tie affair—and all the bigwigs in town were invited.”
I nod, still wondering where this is going and how I play a part in it. “Sounds really nice.”
“Oh, it will be! But you know what’s not so nice?” She puts on a dramatic pout. “Evie can’t seem to find a date! What a pity it would be for a pretty thing like her to have to get all dressed up and show up to the event all by her lonesome. Oh, wait! You wouldn’t be interested in being her plus-one, would you?”
Ahhh, and there it is. Everything makes sense now.
Evie lets out a long, defeated sigh and shuts the door. Her cheeks are the color of a candy apple, and I’m suddenly enjoying Joanna’s company more than I’ve enjoyed anything before. “Don’t answer that, Jake. Joanna is a scheming old hen who needs to stick her nose back in her own business.”
“Don’t call me an old hen or I’ll fire you, little missy.”
“Don’t call me little missy or I won’t come to painting night Wednesday.” I can’t decide if these two women act more like sisters, friends, or mother and daughter. I like them, though. And I really like knowing that Evie needs a date. Also, how does she not already have one? That question perplexes me. Evie should have a line of men wrapped around the block, begging her to date them.
“It’s black-tie, you said?” I ask, my voice making both of their heads turn and acknowledge me for the first time.
Evie’s brows pull together. “Yes. Why?”
“Because it would be embarrassing to show up in jeans to a black-tie event.”
Joanna’s face grows into a smile, but Evie still looks skeptical. Honestly, I’m going out on a limb here by inviting myself as her date. I’m really banking on the fact that she and Joanna seem close and Evie would have told her if she already had one. But I’m painfully aware that this could all blow up in my face.
“You really don’t have to come with me. I’m sure I can find someone to go if you’re busy. Joanna never should have put you on the spot—” I cut her off because she sounds nervous but not entirely like she doesn’t want me there.
“I want to go with you.”
I am Ryan Gosling now. No one can touch my smoldering confidence. It’s all fake, of course, but she doesn’t need to know that.
“Really?” The hopefulness in her voice only boosts my confidence more.
I shrug my shoulders. Yeah, no big deal. I go to fancy benefits all the time and definitely won’t have to go out to buy a new suit. “I do. I think it would be fun—if you’re up for taking me.”
She’s trying to hide a smile as she tucks her hair behind her ear. “Yeah, okay, I guess that will work, then.”
“So, she’s really mine now?” asks Sam.
“She’s really yours.”