Page 83 of The Match
By the time we make it to the door, his hand is skating up my thigh, dragging my dress up with it. I hook my finger through his belt loop and pull him into the room, then Jake closes and locks the door behind us.
This is really happening. Finally. There’s been so much buildup to this moment that we make quick work of each other’s clothes. They’re tossed all around the room, and only when I’m in Jake’s glorious bed with his amazing body spread out over me do I ask, “Is it killing you to not immediately tidy up the room? Do you want to take a break to fold the clothes into neat piles?”
He laughs against my rib cage. His teeth scrape lightly over my skin. “As if I could care about anything in this moment besides you.”
I gasp as he proves it.
We’re all hands and lips and tongues and teeth. It’s frantic and luxurious all at once and worth every bit of the torturous wait. We take the night to love each other. But the most wonderful part of all is waking up and knowing it wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t a mistake. And it wasn’t something that’s going away.
Jake Broaden is all mine, and I’m never letting him go.
Two Years Later
I wake up to the feel of Jake’s mouth against mine. Turns out, I love being kissed first thing in the morning. This is the way Jake has woken me up every morning since we married nine months ago. “Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty,” he murmurs in my ear.
I peek one eye open and take a long look at his muscled, tan chest beside me and then to the clock on my phone. I groan because I know that I have no time to spend in bed with Jake this morning. “You let me oversleep.”
“Mm-hmm. You need all of it you can get.” His hand lands on my swollen stomach as he kisses my cheek.
“I also need to get to the venue to unlock it in time for the vendors to get set up.” Our first fundraiser was such a success that we decided to make it an annual thing. This will be our third year of the gala, and thanks to all the vendors who donate their services, we exceed our fundraising goal each and every year. Not only is it a great way to support the organization, it’s also a great way to look at my hot husband in a tux.
Jake’s voice turns husky, and he starts nibbling at my earlobe. “Let Joanna do it.” Joanna technically retired a few months ago, but the poor thing was bored to death and driving Gary nuts. Unsurprisingly, one week after she retired, she signed up as a volunteer for Southern Service Paws. I think she’s putting in more hours now than she was before, but since I’ll be going on maternity leave in two months when our baby boy is born, I don’t mind. In fact, I’m downright grateful.
“I know, but I want to be there. I like my job, remember?”
“I know something else you like,” he says, undeterred.
But I won’t be deterred today. So, I roll my eyes and push him away halfheartedly. He laughs and reaches out to drag my body up close to him again. So greedy. I lay my head on his chest and Jake and I both feel our baby boy kick him in the side, making us laugh.
He looks down at my round stomach and shakes his head. “You’re not even in the world yet and you’re already taking your mom’s side? I thought I would have at least one of my kids on my team.”
It’s been a dream building a life with Jake. Not always perfect—but I wouldn’t want it to be anyway. I like a little mess here and there. We took our time while we dated. Got to know each other and fell in love more every day. And on our one-year anniversary, Jake took me to the coffee shop where we first met and he proposed. He actually rented the whole place out after hours so he could fill it with flowers and lights. We had chocolate chip muffins for dessert. It was the easiest yes I’ve ever said in my life.
Jake was understandably hesitant when I told him a few months after we got married that I was ready to add to our family. He still carries a lot of guilt where Natalie is concerned in that department, and he didn’t want me to feel stuck like she did. It took some time and a lot of conversations for him to really trust that it’s what I want—and I love him all the more for his concern.
In the next moment, Sam busts into our room, and I’m oh so glad that I had put a stop to Jake’s advances.
“Morning!” she says with a cheery smile and a bouquet the size of her head in her hand. She approaches the bed and sets them on the bedside table. “These are for you, Mom.”
That’s another wonderful part of this life. Sam calls me Mom, and it still melts my heart every time. This girl and I have bonded like we were always meant to be mother and daughter. Natalie still hasn’t been in the picture much, and I know it hurts Sam more than she lets on, but I’ve been trying my best to ensure Sam knows she has a mom who loves her more than life. Because if my relationship with Jo has taught me anything, it’s that the title of mom sometimes has nothing to do with sharing the same blood. I would do anything for Sam, go to the ends of the earth and back for this kid, and I will aways do my best to make sure she knows it.
But also, I’m going to have to have a talk with her about opening the door to flower-delivery strangers first thing in the morning without a parent present. For now, I smile and sit up, sending a questioning glance to Jake. He sits up too, and the sheet falls off his chest. When am I going to be immune to this man’s incredible body? I’m betting never.
“Don’t look at me,” he says. “I was saving my flowers to give to you after the fundraiser tonight.”
I frown and pluck the little white card from the bouquet and tear into it.
Evelyn Grace,
We’re proud of you. See you tonight.
Mom and Dad
“What man with a death wish sent my wife flowers?” asks Jake.
I numbly hand him the card. “They’re from . . . my parents.”