Page 91 of Chasing Wild
“I can,” Polly counters. “Millie’s a smart girl, and this new business venture is going to be amazing for her.”
Today is Millie’s first official day as the owner of the coffee shop, and we’re meeting over there with Erin, Abbi, and Millie herself so we can celebrate a bit and talk about our new women in business group.
I’ve been looking forward to it all week.
“You’ve been extra smiley the past month or so,” I say to her. “In fact, since the Wild wedding, now that I think about it. Anything you’d like to share with the class?”
Polly bites her lower lip, and I stop cold, staring at her.
“Spill it, Polly Ann. Right now.”
“I slept with Ryan,” she hisses, looking around to see if anyone is in earshot as I goggle at her.
“I’m not repeating that in public,” she says with a short laugh. “It was just the one time. Well, about six times, but just the one night.”
“Six times?” I demand. “Jesus, good for you.”
“There’s just something about those Wild men,” she says, shaking her head. “It’s like they’re witches or something, putting a girl under a spell. The orgasms, Summer. Jesus fucking Christ, I had no idea. There’s some serious talent there.”
I smile and waggle my eyebrows. “I get that, my friend. I totally get that. Are you still seeing him?”
“No.” She shakes her head definitively, and I frown at her. “One-night thing, remember?”
“Why, though? If it was that hot and you like him, why just one night?”
“Hi, guys!” Erin and Abbi pull up in Erin’s big white SUV, and Polly and I hurry over to meet them, putting an end to our sexy conversation, but I mentally bookmark the topic and plan to revisit it later.
“I have the flowers,” I inform the others as I hold up the bouquet I’m carrying.
“I brought brownie cheesecake,” Polly adds, and we all make mmmm noises.
“I don’t even want to think about how many calories are in that,” Abbi says, eyeing the covered plate that Polly holds. “But I’m going to eat the hell out of it.”
“I have balloons,” Erin announces. “This is the best party ever.”
Before we can get inside the coffee shop, I frown at Erin. “Is the rest of the family peeved that they don’t get to be here to celebrate Millie’s new business?”
“Nah, we’re having family dinner on Sunday to celebrate,” Erin assures me as she opens the door, and we all walk in, bright smiles on our faces.
Millie plans to close the coffee shop early today so we can have our party privately, and when we walk in, it’s just Millie and…Holden Lexington. And sitting on the counter, in a vase, are sunflowers with red roses.
I think my heart just melted a bit.
“Ladies,” Holden says with that charming grin of his. “I’d love to stay to help you celebrate Millie’s new venture, but I’ve been told that men aren’t allowed.”
“Assholes aren’t allowed,” Millie mutters as she wipes the countertops.
Holden just grins at her. “The way she fawns over me is so embarrassing.”
Millie rolls her eyes, and the four of us snicker as Holden turns his attention back to Millie. “Have a great day, Mill. You’re going to kill it.”
He nods at us, and then he’s off, and I turn to stare at Polly in surprise.
She shrugs, Erin clears her throat, and Abbi pretends to be really interested in the menu.
Millie frowns and fiddles with the petals of one of the roses in the bouquet that Holden brought her, and then she bursts into tears.