Page 24 of Breaking the Ice
“Nearly 36 hours,” Parker explains, making Jess sob beside him.
“I was so worried about you,” she whimpers, stroking my shoulder.
“Jess, I...”
“No,” she interrupts me. “Don't say anything. I don't know what got into you that night or what was going on. But I want us to put it behind us.” She tries to smile, stirring up the guilt in me once again. I have to end this, I have to tell her that I don't feel anything for her anymore. I'm just gathering the courage, about to be honest with her, when there's a knock on the door.
Toby appears. He sticks his head inside the door and grins when he sees that I'm awake.
“Well, who's this rising from the dead?” he exclaims with delight, entering the room with Mandy in tow.
“I'll go get some coffee then,” Jessica announces, a hint of annoyance on her lips. She can't stand the two of them. That doesn't surprise me, after all, they're on Emma's side.
“Alcohol poisoning, motorcycle accident... Whyler, I'd say you really went overboard. You were damn lucky to walk away from that crash with just a few scrapes,” the Swiss guy remarks, clicking his tongue in reproach and pulling up a chair. “But now tell me, what's it like to have your stomach pumped? Does it hurt?”
After my closest friends visit me, Coach Thornton, Byers, and some of the other players drop by. The coach gives me a good chewing out for my recklessness and drills into me that a professional athlete doesn't behave like this. As if I didn't already know.
I have to stay for two more days for observation, giving me plenty of time to think. First and foremost, it's clear to me that I will definitely break up with Jessica. It's over between us. And if her father really decides to kick me off the team just because I dumped her, well, go ahead. Let him try to find a center as good as me. Besides, I'm confident I can find another place to go if needed. I can't be with a woman I don't love for the rest of my life just to secure my position on the team.
I've learned from Mandy that Emma is gone. She went to Aberdeen for the Christmas holidays and won't be back until New Year's Day. Until then, I have enough time to sort everything out here. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year for Jessica. I don't want to ruin the holiday for her, which is why I've decided to wait until after the festivities. It will still be tough for her when I break up with her, but at least she won't be drowning in tears on her beloved Christmas.
On December 22nd, the opening of the art exhibition that Jess has been preparing for weeks finally arrives. She's incredibly nervous, getting her hair, nails, and who knows what else done to look perfect. I'm annoyed that I have to go, so I persuade Parker to accompany me. At 8:00 PM, the exhibition is formally opened by Professor Weinstein in the foyer of the art museum. Jessica's father has spared no expense or effort to secure the best location for his darling. While Jess talks to potential buyers, Parker and I stroll through the exhibition. None of the paintings speak to me; on the contrary, they bore me. Just like everything here.
“Is everything okay with you?” I feel Parker's gaze on me and meet his eyes.
“Of course, why do you ask?”
“I don't know, you've been acting a bit different lately. You seem introspective, unhappy.” That hits the nail on the head. Knowing that Emma is in Aberdeen and that I won't see her before New Year's is tearing me apart. I want to sort things out between us, convince her that she belongs by my side.
“I have a lot on my mind right now.”
“It's because of Emma, isn't it?” I don't want to answer that, not before I've ended things with Jess. “I knew it, it's because of Emma.” Of course, Parker interprets my silence correctly. “Well, I can understand that. She's a unique woman. Make sure you don't make the same mistake I did and lose her,” he says, his mouth forming a sad line.
“I don't intend to,” I say seriously, turning to the next painting. My gaze falls on the double doors at the entrance, through which Durand has just entered. What does he want here? I watch him suspiciously as he looks around, spots Carl and his wife, and approaches them with a broad smile.
“What's going on?” Parker must have noticed my furrowed brow. He turns around and follows my gaze. “Why is the Canadian here?”
“Good question. Looks like he's here to butter up,” I say, wrinkling my nose in distaste, as I watch him kiss Jessica's mother's hand. Then he turns his attention to the boss and engages him in conversation.
“That bastard,” my buddy growls. “You do realize he's after your spot, right?”
“My spot - what do you mean?”
“He wants to dethrone you. Durand thinks he's the better forward.”
I laugh humorlessly. “That's ridiculous.”
“It is. But not in his eyes. I've been watching him cozy up to Thornton and Mr. Flake for a while now. At first, I thought it was about me that he wanted to replace me as an assistant. But then I overheard him on the phone, saying that the fans will be chanting his name during the entrance next season.” Now, that's news.
“And why are you telling me this just now?”
Parker shrugs. “I told you; you've been acting weird lately. I didn't want to add this bullshit on top of it.”
I nod and put a hand on his shoulder.
“You know what? Let's get out of here. I've seen enough brown-nosers and bad art for today.”
“But we haven't even been here for half an hour.”