Page 17 of Poison and Wine
“And I applaud you for that. However, the point is, sister, you have yet to take your Perpetual Vows, which means you’re able to walk away from the order without any strikes against your soul.”
“You kidnapped me!” I shouted. Immediately, I cupped my head in my hands as the pain from raising my voice overtook me. Silence echoed around me as I groaned and fought not to throw up.
“Here, lass,” a voice above me whispered. I pulled my hands away to see the youngest of the men staring kindly at me. My gaze dropped to his hands where he held a bottle of water and some Motrin.
I gave him a weak smile as I reached for the medicine and water. “Thank you.”
As I threw back the pills, Callum smacked the man on the back. “Yes, thank you, brother, for taking such good care of my future wife.”
“You shouldn’t have injected her,” he bit out.
“Trust me. If it had been your cock and balls on the line, you would’ve changed your mind,” the man who I hit with the broom remarked. At the sight of the ice pack on his crotch, I flushed and dipped my head.
“Regretfully, it was necessary to put her out for both her safety and ours,” Callum argued.
“You might as well sedate me permanently because that’s the only way I won’t fight against you and your absurd plan to marry me.”
His hand gripped my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. “You will marry me, Kitty Cat.”
Both anguish and rage filled me with him using my brothers’ nickname. “Don’t call me that!”
“Let me guess. It was a form of endearment from an ex-boyfriend?”
“Only my brothers call me that.”
“Aye, I imagine my future brothers-in-law love their baby sister dearly, don’t they?”
“They’ll kill you when they find out what you’ve done.”
“You think?”
I nodded. “And I’ll watch them do it with a smile on my face.”
Callum grinned at me before turning back to his brothers. “She has claws, doesn’t she?”
The one I’d assaulted with the broom snorted. “You better sleep with one eye open on your wedding night.”
“If you lay one finger on me on our wedding night, I’ll make you bleed far more than I did tonight,” I spat.
“Actually, I think I’ll call you Kitten because you remind me more of a feral kitten who needs taming.”
“Go to hell.”
Callum momentarily closed his eyes. “Ooh, I look forward to taming you, Kitten.” After popping open his eyes, his heated gaze trailed down my body. “Every glorious inch of you.”
“You will never tame me,” I spat back.
“We shall see,” he replied with a smile.
Chapter Six: Callum
After my declaration about taming her, Caterina refused to talk to me anymore. Instead, she pulled the blankets up to her chin and stared out the jet’s window. I eased back in my chair and closed my eyes, willing the medication Quinn had given me to take affect. Within a few minutes of the silent treatment, I somehow nodded off.
It seemed I’d just closed my eyes when Dare shook me awake. “Come on, Sleeping Beauty. We’re about to land.”
As the boys and I started buckling up, Caterina removed her blankets and reached for her seatbelt. When she caught sight of the robe, she froze. “Why am I wearing this?” she demanded.
“You would’ve caught cold in your wet nightgown,” I explained.