Page 35 of Poison and Wine
My eyes bulged in horror while my hand involuntarily came up to slap his cheek. His hand caught mine. Instead of being angry, he merely winked. “Put the claws away, Kitten. They have the opposite effect on me than you think.”
I jerked my hand away from his. “You shouldn’t speak that way to me when I’m still considered a sister.”
Amusement twinkled in Callum’s blue eyes. “Does that mean I can when we’re married?”
“I would prefer you didn’t.”
“Sorry, Kitten, but I won’t make any promises.”
I fought the urge to call him a bastard. Instead, I stared down at my hands. I knew there was one more thing I desperately needed clarity on before I could ever say I do. When I looked up, I found Callum staring intently at me.
He raised a dark brow at me. “What is it you want to say to me?”
“Am I that obvious?”
“I’m just good at reading people.”
I shifted in my chair. “There’s one last request I need to make.”
“Jesus, woman, what else can there possibly be?”
“Something that’s more important even than me going to school and having a career.”
Callum eased back in his chair while narrowing his eyes at me. “What is it?”
I knew what I was about to ask could potentially send Callum into a rage. While I shouldn’t have cared about his reaction, I still nervously fingered the hem of my dress. I knew his response would soil all the other promises he’d made.
At the feel of his fingers on my chin, I jumped. “Out with it, Kitten.”
I nodded. “If we have a daughter, I want you to promise me you’ll never arrange a marriage for her. Just as Maeve has the freedom to choose, I want the same for my daughter or daughters.”
Without missing a beat, Callum quickly replied, “You have my word.”
Surprise flooded me. “Just like that and no arguments?”
“I would’ve thought you wouldn’t have to ask after what I told you about Maeve.”
“That was your sister where this will be your daughter. Because she belongs directly to you, her marriage would be worth more when it came to power and position.”
“I will still honor her freedom.”
For reasons I couldn’t understand, pride bloomed in my chest. Pride that came from the fact the man who would be my husband respected his future daughter or daughters enough to care that they had freedom over their lives. “You can’t imagine how pleased it makes me to hear you say that.”
“It surprises you that I would agree?”
A shy smile tugged at the corners of my lips. “Considering your reputation, it is a surprise. But a good one.”
“I may be a monster to my enemies, but I’ll never be the evil bastard that my father was. In spite of not having the best role model, I know I can love a child. More than that, I know I would never want to hurt my child.”
“Thank you.” I stared intently into his eyes. “Even though I don’t know you well, I don’t think you would ever willingly hurt a child either.”
“Before you give too many compliments, you must know this. While I’ll do everything within my power to keep them safe, our sons will be brought up in the family.”
I sighed. “I imagined as much.”
“And you don’t object?”
“Would you change your mind if I did?”