Page 71 of Poison and Wine
I gave her a genuine smile. “It’s okay.”
After glaring at Callum, she countered, “Believe me when I say, it is not okay. My mam and I are horrified that he would do such a thing.”
I laughed. “Yes, your mother let her feelings be known by slapping Callum.”
With a grunt, Callum said, “Excuse me while I go greet our other guests and miss out on you both talking shit about me.”
Once he stalked off, Maeve laughed. “He hates it when he disappoints Mam and me. Trust me, the two of us were fit to be tied when we got wind of what happened.”
With a sly smile, I said, “Don’t worry. I plan on making your brother pay for his transgressions each and every day.”
“He certainly deserves it.”
“Truthfully though, he’s treated me far better than I could’ve ever hoped for in such a situation.”
“That is some comfort to us.”
“I hear you’re at Trinity College.”
Maeve’s beautiful face lit up at the mention of school. “Yes. I’ve got one more year.”
“What’s your major?”
“I admire you for that. I’m terrible with math.”
“I must admit I’m a terrible nerd when it comes to numbers. I think I like it most because math is standard no matter what part of the world you’re in.”
“Have you thought of coming to live here in Boston?”
Maeve paled slightly. “Oh no, I can’t imagine living here in the states. Even though I grew up in Northern Ireland, it’s not so very different in the South.”
“Since I have three overbearing older brothers, I can only imagine it’s quite freeing not being in the same city as yours,” I teased.
With a smile, Maeve replied, “Aye, it’s been nice having my freedom.” Sadness flickered in her eyes. “At the same time, I couldn’t imagine what I’d ever do without them.”
“I know exactly what you mean.”
“Speaking of my brothers, I better go say hello to the others,” Maeve said
“It was so nice meeting you.”
She gave me another quick hug before she started up the stairs to the roof. Callum came back from wherever he had gone. “Looks like you and Maeve are getting along well.”
I smiled. “It’s nice having another woman around.”
He smirked at me. “Let me guess. Maeve told you she didn’t approve of your kidnapping.”
“I don’t think you’ll find many women who would agree with what you did.”
“I suppose not.”
When the door opened again, my breath hitched in my chest at the sight of my brothers. Just like Maeve had with Callum, I rushed forward to throw myself at them. They encircled me in a giant hug. “It’s been so long,” I murmured against Leo’s chest.
“Now that you’re out of the order, it won’t ever have to be so long again,” Leo replied.
I pulled back to smile over at Rafe. “I’m assuming my brothers will give me leeway to enter their territory in New York.”