Page 91 of Poison and Wine
Giving her my best smile, I said, “Good evening, Delia.”
“Callum, you’ve managed quite a turnout tonight. What do you think makes Bandia Boston’s new hotspot?”
“Well, I suppose it doesn’t hurt that it’s owned by four handsome men with sexy Irish accents?” I teased.
Delia tittered at my joke. “I would say that’s a huge selling point.”
“As far as standing out from other clubs, we also brought in some design aspects that incorporate the mythology of our ancestry.”
“I have to say the architecture is stunning.”
“Thank you.”
Delia’s gaze cut from mine over to Caterina who shifted nervously in her heels. “Speaking of stunning, who is this absolutely stunning woman on your arm?”
I gave her a genuine smile. “This is my wife, Caterina.”
Delia’s eyes widened. “Your wife? This news is sure to elicit heartbreak all over the city considering your previous eligible bachelor status.”
Caterina eyed me curiously before replying, “I didn’t know I snagged one of Boston’s most eligible bachelors,” she teased with a smile. At Delia’s confused look, Caterina replied, “I’m from New York.”
“Oh, I see. Allow me to say your beauty will certainly make the city shine brighter.”
Caterina’s cheeks flushed at the compliment. Before she could say thank you, I replied, “She’s certainly made my life shine brighter.”
I grinned at the perfect ‘o’ of surprise that my compliment formed on Caterina’s red lips. Delia gave Caterina an envious glance before saying, “Once again, good luck on the opening of the club.”
“Thank you,” I replied.
I then steered Caterina through the rest of the crowd. As we started into the club, she peered up at me. “You really laid it on thick with that reporter, huh?”
“Who says I wasn’t telling the truth?”
“I’ve made your life shine brighter, or my beauty?” Caterina questioned suspiciously.
I chuckled. “Aye, Kitten, every part of you has made my life brighter.”
“That means a lot.” With a teasing glint in her eyes, she added, “Especially considering your eligible bachelor status. I’m surprised you never managed to tell me that tidbit.”
I flashed her a wicked grin. “It didn’t make sense to tell you when I was kidnapping you.” Tilting my head, I asked, “If I had, would you still have shot me?”
I snorted. “I’m only an eligible bachelor to the ignorant outsiders. The ones who think I’m just a wealthy businessman and have no idea about all my dark dealings.”
“Like how you kidnap potential nuns from religious orders and force them to be your bride?” she teased with a smile.
I scowled at her. “I’d hardly call that one of my dark dealings. It was a necessary evil.”
She rolled her eyes. “Keep telling yourself that.”
With my hand resting against the small of her back, I guided Caterina to a roped off VIP section. Once we were inside, I found Dare talking with two scantily dressed women. He managed to tear his attention away from them long enough to wave at us. After waving back, Caterina peered around. Since I was sure she was looking for Quinn or Kellan, I replied, “They’re working the floor.”
“Quinn is socializing with people?” Caterina questioned incredulously.
I laughed. “Let me rephrase that. Kellan is talking up people while Quinn is keeping people in line with his death glares.”
She grinned. “That makes more sense.”