Page 118 of Forbidden
We arrived at our floor, an inconspicuous ding heralding the gentle stop of the car, and Aiden pulled back, breathing hard, lips red from our kiss.
“Fucking finally,” he said, tugging on my hand as I exhaled a laugh.
We rushed down the hall, and when he found the right door, he almost dropped the key in his haste to unlock the door.
Behind him, I couldn’t help myself. I pressed my front to his back and started unfastening his belt. A hand shot out, bracing against the doorframe, and he muttered another foul curse word when I got the buckle undone.
“I’m going to tell you something before we walk in that room,” I whispered against his heaving back. The muscles shifted against my forehead when he lifted his head. My nimble fingers pulled the leather belt from the metal buckle. “For reasons which we can discuss later, I need you to know that I’ve never done this before.” When his whole frame, big and broad, went still as a statue, I smiled. It should have made me feel at a disadvantage that I couldn’t see his face, but I’d never felt more powerful. Never felt so in control of what I wanted.
We were still in the hallway, and I tugged his shirt out of his loosened waistband and slid my hands over the ridges of his abdomen, which was all scalding skin and heavy muscle. When I tried to push my hand lower, Aiden growled my name. I stopped.
“You’re a …you’ve never—”
He couldn’t say it.
“Never,” I affirmed.
Aiden spun, gripping my face in his hands, eyes burning down at me. “Why?”
I gave him a coy smile, reaching behind his back to finish pushing the key card into the door. “I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you. No one’s hands or mouth,” I whispered, leaning up on my tiptoes to suck his bottom lip into my mouth, “and wasting time with someone who doesn’t know how to handle me has never been appealing.” I kissed down the strong column of his neck. “But I think you know exactly what to do.”
With a tortured groan, he slanted his mouth over mine, fisting his hand into my hair. Our tongues dueled, and I felt him grapple with the doorknob. I exhaled a laugh when he still couldn’t get it open.
Down the hall, we heard the ding of the elevator, and he tore his mouth from mine to face the entrance to the room again.
The door opened with a click, and he shoved it open so violently that it banged off the wall. Aiden turned, and the look in his eye had me breathless with anticipation, because I knew he was about to absolutely destroy whatever fantasy I’d had of him in the very best way. He reached forward, gathering a fistful of my dress, and tugged me forward as he walked backward into the room.
“You’ll pay for that,” he said, glancing down briefly at his opened belt.
The door slammed shut behind me, and before he could move, I reached up behind my neck and unhooked the strap holding my dress up. Before it could fall, he stepped up to me, gripping the back of my neck.
“Nothing else comes off unless I do it,” he whispered against my lips.
My eyelids fluttered shut. I wanted to say something cheeky like, yes, boss, or maybe I’ll do it myself. But no words came. I’d lost the ability.
At my expression, he hissed in a breath through clenched teeth. “On the bed,” he commanded.
I walked into the room, heart thrashing and legs quaking as he locked the door.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
The click of the lock may as well have been a gunshot going off in the room. Red-hot tension coursed through my veins, angry at being pent-up for so long. Before I went to her, I pressed my forehead against the cool metal of the hotel door and attempted to steady my hands. They didn’t tremble because I was nervous, but I did feel a slight tremor of apprehension at my ability to keep myself in check.
Maybe it was the way I’d wanted her, or how long I’d resisted something that felt irresistible.
Maybe it was that I’d gone so long without this type of desire—wild and untamed. I wasn’t sure I’d ever felt it, and I needed this moment of pause to ensure that I wouldn’t unleash a beast onto Isabel in my rib-crushing need to slake what she’d stirred in me.
Very little surprised me anymore.
The fact that she was a virgin almost made me fall to my knees in that sedately decorated hallway. Holding someone’s past against them was the sort of hypocrisy that I hated, but the fact that hers brought her to me untouched by any other man humbled me enough that I managed to calmly unbutton my shirt as I turned to where she waited for me. The other option was ripping it open in my haste to touch her, taste her, lose myself in her.
I’d still do all those things.
Isabel sat on the foot of the bed, hands braced behind her, long legs crossed demurely.