Page 123 of Forbidden
“Okay,” I answered breathlessly. “Can we work together tomorrow maybe?”
“Maybe we can both accidentally show up an hour early.”
“I love showing up to work an hour early.”
His laughter was a happy booming sound, and if I was being honest, I felt a little drugged at the sound of it. We finally said goodbye, and I hurried to my apartment to whip on some clean clothes and slick my hair back into a ponytail. Snatching a Pop-Tarts from my pantry cabinet, I was back in the car and on my way to Logan and Paige’s less than fifteen minutes later.
And I knew I was in bad shape when the newlyweds beat me there.
When I walked into the kitchen, the entire family went dead silent.
My face must’ve been bright red. “Morning.”
Molly was grinning like a lunatic. Lia tried to hide her smile behind her coffee. Claire, on the couch with Gabriel, rolled her lips between her teeth.
Paige approached, wearing a deceptively sweet smile on her face, and handed me a massive mug. “Need some coffee, sweetcheeks? You must be tired.”
Logan mumbled something from the table, and Emmett held out his hand. My brother dug into his wallet and handed him a dollar.
I took the mug. “I slept just fine, thank you.”
Lia snorted.
“Are we opening presents or what?” I asked.
Molly set a box aside. “We already started.”
“Aiden didn’t want to come over with you?” Paige asked, completely undeterred.
I took a slow sip of the coffee and held her eyes.
“He wasn’t hungry?”
“Paige,” Logan said in a warning tone.
She blinked innocently. “Yes, husband?”
He gave her a look. “If she doesn’t want to talk about it, she doesn’t have to.”
“You can tell me later,” she whispered.
Emmett shook his head. “This family is crazy. I’m going outside.”
“Coming with you, dude.” Bauer stood from the couch with kisses to Gabriel’s cheek and Claire’s upturned mouth. “Jude, you wanted to show me that thing?”
The big Brit stood with a nod, snagging a soccer ball from the floor. “Be right out.” He kissed Lia.
“Geez,” I muttered. “I sure know how to clear a room.”
“It’s probably all the just-had-sex pheromones,” Lia added helpfully.
“That’s it!” Logan shouted. “I’m outta here.”
My brother stalked out of the house, my sisters’ laughter following him as he tugged open the slider.
Noah grimaced at the giant pile of unwrapped boxes, then gave Paige and Lia a look. “Can you please stop while I have to be in here?”
Paige patted his cheek. “For my favorite son-in-law? Of course.”