Page 62 of Forbidden
Heart hammering at the warmth in his tone, I was very proud of myself when I coolly, so coolly raised an eyebrow. “Not my fault you weren’t paying attention.”
He gave me a long look, and it stretched just long enough that my belly flipped dangerously. Sitting back down on the stool, I cursed the warmth in my cheeks.
Aiden was quiet for a few moments, and I found myself holding my breath for what he’d say next.
It was the first mention of that night, and he’d been the one to bring it up. That had to be significant, right?
“Electrician should be here in about thirty to start setting up the scanning system for the door,” he said. “Feel free to send him back to my office when he gets here.”
I kept my tone light. “You got it, boss.”
My hand had a slight tremble as I clicked on another email, and he was still behind me.
But when he walked away, I let out a slow breath and got back to work.
The rest of the day went smoothly. I taught a class and had a training session. The electrician installed our new system, and Emily and I worked for the next two days to figure out the distribution of the new card system to all members.
I set a carton of milk on Aiden’s desk when I returned after a day off, and his lips twitched.
“Oh, come on,” I said.
He leaned back in his chair, hands braced behind his head. “Eventually, you’ll get it because you’ll run out of options.”
I narrowed my eyes in a glare, and as I walked out of his office, I heard a low husky laugh that had goosebumps popping along my arms.
It was that sound that had me sliding into vivid imagery, Aiden kissing along the back of my neck, laughing when I turned and tried to capture his mouth.
Just as I contemplated how long it had been since I’d allowed myself into that headspace, the sound of someone swiping a key card at the door registered, and I blinked a few times to clear my face.
With my polite smile affixed, I looked up, only to see Anya smashing her face against the perfectly clean glass. She waved frantically, and I smiled. Behind her was a tall, handsome guy with Aiden’s eyes and jaw, but his hair was almost black.
I hated how immediately I cataloged all the ways he was less than Aiden.
He was younger, to be sure. If I had to guess, he was probably closer to my age.
He wasn’t quite as tall, though when he pushed open the door for Anya, I knew he was still a solid six-one.
He wasn’t quite as big, even though he looked strong and muscular.
And he didn’t wear that constant broody, grump face that Aiden did, because as he saw me behind the desk, his face spread with a broad, handsome, white-toothed smile.
“Wonder Woman!” Anya yelled, running around the desk to hurtle her small body into my arms.
Emitting a shocked laugh at her effusive greeting, I gave her a quick hug and set her back to study her. “No tricks on the beams today, right?”
She nodded. “Uncle Beckham made me promise too. Only he gave me a giant candy bar.”
“I see the evidence of it.” I gestured to her chocolate streaked cheeks.
“Anya Hennessy,” the man said in a scandalized voice, “that was supposed to be our secret. How quickly you turn on me.”
Her giggle had me smiling again. “Miss Isabel won’t tell daddy.”
He leaned against the wall and gave me a quick study. “Miss Isabel won’t, huh?”
His tone was undeniably flirty, his green eyes were warm and friendly, and honestly, this was the problem. Why ‘going on dates’ was about as far down my priority list as a full body wax. Because that undeniably flirty tone and warm eyes had my hackles up immediately. I felt like a dog who just spotted another dog far off, and instead of waiting to see how they’d act toward me, my instinct was raised hair along my back and the beginnings of a growl in the back of my throat.
This guy didn’t even know me. I’d done nothing to warrant flirty eyes and a flirty tone.