Page 77 of Forbidden
“What can I do?” I heard Molly ask.
I blinked, my hand rubbing my forehead as I thought. “Umm, I need to hang up, but … listen, if you don’t hear back from me in like, ten minutes, can you call Aiden at the gym?”
“Of course. Love you, Iz.”
Eyes trained on Anya, I replied, “Love you too.”
I hung up and handed the phone to Emmett. Studying Anya’s position, and the size of the branch, I spoke quietly to her as I moved directly beneath where she was. “Have you tried scooting backward, sweetie?”
She nodded frantically. “It made the branch wobble, and I got scared.”
“That’s okay. Being scared is totally normal, Anya.” I sucked in a deep breath. “Even if we’re afraid, we can still do brave things when it counts.”
Anya looked down at me, and I saw tears in her eyes. My heart absolutely turned inside out at the sight of those big eyes.
“If I climb up there, do you think you’d be able to try again?”
Anya swallowed, then nodded slowly.
Emmett looked nervous, and I crouched in front of him. “Okay, here’s the game plan. You hold the phone and keep your eyes on her while I climb up. I think I can reach her where she’s sitting.” I took a deep breath. “Just talk to her normally, okay?”
He nodded, face pale, cheeks red. “I can do that.”
I dropped a kiss on the top of his head and then whispered in his ear. “You remember how to make an emergency call, right? We won’t need it, but I need to know just in case.”
Emmett exhaled. “Yeah. I know how.”
“Okay, good.”
I blew out a hard breath as I climbed up into the treehouse. “How the hell did she do this?” I muttered as I reached the entrance. Using the railing around the edge, I braced my foot on the edge of one window, clutched the line of the roof with both hands, and boosted myself up. The treehouse made an ominous creak as I moved carefully over the roof and found the branch she was on. There was one lower than her, and I pressed my foot against it to test the weight-bearing.
“Okay, Anya, remember when you said I looked like Wonder Woman?” At her nod, I exhaled steadily. “Well, we’re both going to channel her. I’m going to keep my feet on this lower branch right here and hold onto the one you’re on. Once I’m a few feet out, can you try to scoot back a little? I’ll be able to grab your arm and help you come back all the way.”
I kept my movements slow and steady, but each inch I moved felt like a mile. Anya watched me with huge eyes, and I made sure to smile encouragingly as I inched closer. Now that I was closer, I did not really like the look of the branch she was on, which swayed as she shifted her weight. Every time she did, her hands gripped even more tightly.
“Here we go,” I said as I got closer. How I was standing put my head about level with her chest. It wasn’t perfect positioning, but I trusted this branch a lot more than the one she was on. “I’m going to grab your arm, Anya. Keep holding tight to the branch just like you’re doing and slowly start backing up. It’s okay if it’s teeny tiny little movements. Once you’re back far enough, I’ll scoop you right up, okay?”
A tear slipped down her face, and she hiccupped. “O-okay.”
“I want you to look at me.” When she did, I held her gaze. “You can do this, sweetheart. You are strong and brave, and once we get down, we will have whatever treat you can find in the pantry, all right?”
“Even your Pop-Tarts?” Emmett asked. “She really likes you if she’s willing to share those.”
I managed a strained laugh. “I’ll give you the whole box, kiddo.”
Anya nodded. “Okay.”
I took one more shuffle sideways and the branch creaked. With a slow exhale, I extended my hand and gripped her upper arm. But instead of holding onto the branch, like she was supposed to, Anya turned her weight and grasped frantically at my arm with her other hand.
“Okay, okay,” I breathed, “move slow, sweetie. You’re just fine.”
But then she swung her leg over, like she was going to try to clamber into my arms exactly as I stood. The last thing I heard before we fell was the violent snap of the branch, and Anya screaming my name.
Chapter Eighteen
“Thanks, Aiden,” my client said. “Best sparring session I’ve ever had.”