Page 133 of Save Me
I frown as I look at my mother. “But Daddy isn’t just the ordinary type of overprotective, Mom. And you know it.”
Her smile widens as she shakes her head. “No, he’s not. But I have a feeling your guy will be fine.”
“The way he couldn’t stop staring at you,” my Aunt Kayla adds. “I remember that feeling of first falling in love.” She sighs. “Lucky for me, it was someone I knew my whole life.”
“I feel like I’ve known him almost that long,” I say. Silence lingers until I look up and suddenly realize my mom and aunt are staring at me with twin grins.
I shake my head. “I mean, I haven’t. And, you know, we’re still getting to know one another. And …” I trail off when they both start laughing.
I roll my eyes and then glance back at where I left Dae. He’s still breathing, so that’s a good sign.
“Lighten up, baby,” my mother tells me. “It’s a public event. It’s not like your father will do anything to him here in public.” She laughs, but I frown.
“We both know he would if he felt like it,” I mumble.
“Something tells me that guy of yours can hold his own,” Aunt Kayla says.
I push out a breath. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” I admit. Then I shake it off. “You’re both right,” I tell my mother and aunt. “He’s a grown man. If he can’t handle meeting my father for the first time, this thing would never work anyway.”
Though I sound confident, my heart squeezes at the thought of mine and Dae’s relationship not working out. My heart squeezes because I know I'm deeper than I ever meant for this to go with Dae.
His declaration of his love for me in the car didn’t even scare me. It should’ve made me run in the opposite direction, yet here I am.
After a few minutes of talking with my mom and aunt, I excuse myself to go to the restroom before the evening’s presentations begin.
“Hurry back,” my mom says. “The community center is being honored tonight.” My mother, three aunts, and grandmother started a community center years ago for women and children, and it’s one of the causes being recognized tonight.
I promise to make it quick, but it’s not just to see them receive recognition. Dae is also on the list of honorees for his work with the Spring Days organization. He’s been humble about it, barely mentioning that he’s among tonight’s honorees.
As I head down the hallway toward the restroom, a smile crests on my lips as I think back to watching Dae with the kids at Spring Days. He’s so tender and sweet with them. A side of him the rest of the world rarely gets to see.
I get to see it, though.
That thought fills my belly with butterflies as I approach the bathroom.
“Ms. Townsend,” a male voice calls from behind me.
A chill runs down my spine when I recognize Sebastian Blackmon's voice. I put on a neutral expression as I turn to face him.
“I thought that was you.” He grins. “I hope your attendance at tonight’s event is part of your research for that little article you’re planning to write on me,” he says as he approaches.
“Nothing about my attendance tonight has anything to do with you, Mr. Blackmon,” I inform him. “And I assure you if it did, what I would include wouldn’t be anything you’d want the public to know about.”
His eyes narrow, and I do the same. “I don’t know what you think you’re trying to prove—”
“I’m not trying to prove anything, Mr. Blackmon,” I tell him with a phony smile. “What I am doing is investigating the death of an employee of your company. And it’s led me to some stellar discoveries.”
I step closer, looking him up and down with disgust.
“And trust me when I say that once I get all of the pieces of this investigation put together, this will be the last time you’ll be honored for all the great work you do with adolescents.”
I step back but keep my attention on him as I move away.
His face reddens, and he looks like he wants to say something, but I hold up my hand.
“You and I are done talking, Mr. Blackmon.”
I head to the bathroom but make it quick to return to see Dae being honored. Unfortunately, I’m not fast enough because, by the time I reach the ballroom area again, the Mayor of Williamsport is at the front of the room behind a podium, giving a speech.