Page 142 of Save Me
“Your voice sounds strange,” Dae says.
I slowly blink, not for the first time, wondering how he knows me so well. Then a small smile I can’t fight makes its way to my lips because as much as I hate it, I also love that he knows me so well. I enjoy how attentive he is.
“Are you home?” I ask to change the subject.
There’s a big event at the Black Opal tonight, and he had to be there to welcome some guests.
“When will you be home?” There he goes, answering my questions with questions again.
“About thirty minutes,” I say as I climb behind the wheel of my car.
“I’ll meet you.”
“Don’t you have to work?” I retort.
“I’ll see you in thirty minutes.”
I roll my eyes and shake my head as I hang up the phone. It takes me half an hour to reach home, and as soon as I pull into the garage and turn off my car, I pull out my burner phone from my bag.
I hope I’ve received a message from Nicole about the former church employees.
A small gasp escapes my lips when I see that I have a text message from an unknown number as soon as my phone starts up.
Unknown Number: This is Reed. Nicole told me you’re the reporter looking for information.
Kennedy: That’s me. Are you available to meet to speak with me?
Unknown Number: I have to work tomorrow, but I can meet early. At 6:30.
I hesitate.
Kennedy: You’re in Williamsport?
There’s a pause in response. The former employees Nicole told me about lived out of state. Even the two women I met with tonight had to travel here to meet with me in person.
Unknown Number: I’m in town now for a job.
I give it some thought.
Kennedy: Can you meet at Walcott Park tomorrow morning?
It’s a park in the center of the city. Though it’ll be early in the morning, there will likely be some early morning joggers and walkers, so it won’t be completely isolated.
Unknown Number: Yes. I’ll meet you there tomorrow morning.
I confirm the location and time, then get the shit scared out of me when a thud sounds against my window.
I was so caught up in the conversation on my phone that I didn’t hear or see Dae pull into the garage next to me.
He pulls open my car door, and his lips are on mine before I can say hello. Every time he kisses me, my bones feel as if they’re about to liquefy. He doesn’t make the kiss brief, either.
My response is to throw my arms around his broad shoulders and allow him to devour me whole. It’s kind of awkward, considering I’m half outside of the car and half inside, but he holds me up. That’s all I need.
When he finally releases me from the kiss, I pull back but keep my arms around his. “What was that for?”
“I missed you.” He runs his nose down the bridge of mine, and a shiver runs through me.
“We saw each other this morning,” I remind him.