Page 154 of Save Me
I kick a few pieces of broken furniture out of my way as I walk toward the door that leads to the garage where my car is parked.
Each step feels like I’m sinking in quicksand. But I forge forward without a look over my shoulder. This is the last time I will ever see Dae Kim again.
I will rip your heart out of your chest.
It’s been three weeks since she made good on her promise.
Twenty-one days since she walked out of my house without a backward glance. Taking my entire heart with her.
“You’re looking thin,” Taehyun says from the screen on my office wall. Concern laces his tone, but I can’t muster enough energy to care.
“We’ve got good news on the Park front,” Jersey says as she enters my office.
“I’ve been waiting to tell him until you arrived,” Taehyun tells his sister.
I feel both of their gazes land on me. Slowly, I lift my head. “What is it?” My voice is brittle and low. It’s sounded that way for the past three weeks.
“As of yesterday, nine a.m. Seoul time, Park declared bankruptcy,” Taehyun answers.
I hear the smile in his voice but my eyes drop back to the floor.
“The son of a bitch is ruined along with the company his father-in-law stole from our father,” Jersey adds.
“And the Global Group is poised to swoop in and buy the company at a super discounted price,” Taehyun replies.
“The fall of Blackmon and his company also exposed Park’s weak financial spots and his bribery. The prosecutor is already investigating. People are coming out against past bribery and other backhanded tactics of Soon Kim.”
I nod, understanding all they’re saying. We’ve accomplished what we set out to do. My father’s legacy will be ruined along with Daniel Park, the son of a bitch.
“But that fucker is still nowhere to be found,” I gripe, not looking at Taehyun or Jersey. Both Blackmon and Park have been missing for weeks.
I haven’t given up looking for Blackmon because of what he tried to do to Kennedy.
Pain lances across my heart.
Despite accomplishing what we set out to do years ago, there isn’t an ounce of joy.
“I’ll be in Williamsport in a couple of weeks so that we can celebrate. Then you’ll have to come to Seoul for some in-person meetings,” Taehyun tells me.
“Jersey can do it.” I turn my back on them. I head to my desk and fall into the leather chair, rubbing my forehead. I’ve had a persistent headache for three weeks.
It’s more like a total body ache. The most severe pain exists in my chest. The empty spot where my heart used to reside.
“Jersey?” Taehyun asks.
“I can’t—” She stops when I hold up my hand.
“We’ll sort out the details of your trip later.” They try to talk me out of it, but I essentially tell them to fuck off. I’m not getting on a plane to go any fucking where.
Not as long as she’s here.
I’ve given her space and plan to give her as much space and time as it takes to forgive me.