Page 21 of Save Me
He dips his head.
“Is that where you grew up?”
“It is.”
“How long have you been in the U.S.?”
“Eight years. Anything else you would like to know?”
So much more.
Thankfully, I stop the words before they come out.
“How did you come to meet Sebastian Blackmon?”
That devilish smile touches his lips. He’s not going to give me a straight answer.
Instead, he leans in, throwing his arm along the backseat of the car. It takes everything inside of me to force my body to keep still. To prevent me from leaning in closer to him. He’s like a damn magnet.
“Why do you want to know so much about Blackmon, Kennedy?”
My eyelids flutter, but I stop them before they close. There’s something about the way he says my name. As if it was made for his mouth.
I chase that silly thought away.
“That’s confidential—”
A clicking of his tongue as he shakes his head stops my reply. “That’s not going to work. You came to me seeking information about a former business associate.”
“You’re not the first person I went to for answers,” I say.
“Yet, this is where you ended up,” he counters.
It feels like I’ve somehow ended up trapped in a game I had no idea I was playing.
Shaking my head, I move back slightly, putting space between our bodies. I hadn’t even realized we’d gotten so close. That seems to happen a lot in this man’s presence. Space often disappears and we’re left within inches of one another.
“I’ll make a deal with you,” he says suddenly.
My interest piques. Which I suspect he knew would happen. It feels like he knows more about me than I know about him. I hate that feeling.
“What type of deal?”
He leans in, swallowing up the space I tried to create between our bodies. And why do I feel as if I invited a tiger into my cage?
“I’ll help you find the answers you’re seeking.”
I swallow. “In exchange for?”
“You’re a smart woman,” he replies instead of answering immediately.
“Just a woman who knows nothing comes for free. You’ll help me in exchange for what, exactly?”
“It’s simple,” he says. “You.”
I blink and then blink again. Nope, he’s still here and hasn’t cracked a smile, a grin, or a laugh. He’s not joking.