Page 75 of Save Me
I bob on his dick faster. I want to feel him explode on my tongue. I want the tanginess of his cum in my mouth.
Dae has other plans, though. It has to be another form of punishment when he almost violently pulls out of my mouth. His hands wrap around my arms, and I’m forced onto my back once again.
He throws my legs over his shoulders. “My first orgasm of the night will be inside of you,” he tells me. “And you better not come. Not until I tell you to. Not until I’ve taken from your body what I want first.”
His words are dirty, disgusting, and should be off-putting.
But they do the opposite.
He traps my thighs against his chest and fucks me like a madman. His hips move so wildly that it lifts my hips in midair. His pelvis slaps against my ass cheeks as he pistons in and out of me. The sucking sounds from my wetness as he moves in and out mixes with the sounds of my moans.
“Dae, please,” I pant, needing to come so badly that I’m almost blind from it.
“No,” he barks out. “Not until you tell me why you ignored me for the last two days.”
He has to be mad.
“Please,” I respond instead.
“Answer the fucking question, Kennedy.”
“I—” I can’t even think straight, let alone recite clearly why I ignored him.
But Dae doesn’t let up on the rhythm of his hips or his questioning.
“Tell me!”
“I was busy.” As soon as the lie is out of my mouth, pain rips through me. I look down to see Dae pinching one of my nipples.
“You’re lying to me.”
I thrash my head against the sheets. I cup his hand to my breast because even though it hurts, the pinching feels good at the same time.
“Please,” I whine.
“Beg all you want, little warrior. But you’re not coming until you give me a straight answer.”
To demonstrate how serious he is, he begins to pull out. If I thought I was going blind before, the feeling of his withdrawal almost causes me to shed real tears.
“I … I was scared,” I admit.
“Of me?” His voice sounds incredulous.
I shake my head. “Of us. This …” I pant. “This is so fast, and I shouldn’t want you this much. I want you all of the time.”
The confession releases something inside of me. It feels like a weight lifted off my body.
Dae’s answer is to slam back into me. A shudder runs through me like an earthquake. One of his hands keeps my legs in place while the other traps both of my wrists. He lifts my arms over my head. He leans down over me, taking my legs with him. I’m bent in half.
He again pistons frantically.
“Come on my dick, Kennedy,” he commands.
And I do.
I come so fucking hard that stars appear.
Not long after I come, Dae’s body strains as he comes, the words coming from his mouth indiscernible but full of so much passion and meaning.