Page 90 of Save Me
There’s no reason that thought should make the butterflies in my stomach start fluttering.
While enjoying my Caprese salad, I receive a text from my mom.
Mommy: Hey, baby, lunch tomorrow?
I start to invite her to my office to have lunch for me since I can expect another meal delivery tomorrow but I don’t. I haven’t told my mom about Dae and our growing relationship.
I’ve been waiting to see where this thing with Dae is going before I take that next step. Besides, I know it’s only a matter of time before those introductions will need to be made. Dae has made it clear that he’s not going anywhere, and truth be told, I don’t want him to.
He’s already met Riley, Stasi, and Eve. That happened last week when he made good on his promise to take the children from Spring Days horseback riding. I invited my sister-in-law, Stasi, and niece, as I had said I would.
Something warm and comforting swells in my chest when I remember watching how patient and careful Dae was with the children as they interacted with the horses for the first time.
Little Amelia cried from happiness and clung to Dae when she couldn’t find the words to express her feelings. I even choked up a little as he walked beside her while she rode in circles.
“So, this is him, huh?” Riley asked me.
When I gave her a questioning look, she replied, “The same one who had you smiling at your phone a few months ago at your parents’ house.”
I couldn’t even deny it. I just asked her not to share this with my brother. Not yet. I want more time to keep this relationship to myself a little longer.
Me: Sure, sounds good. You’re paying, right? I’m just a struggling reporter.
I joke in response to my mom’s text.
Mom: No worries. I’ll just take it out of your trust fund.
I snort.
My response to her is interrupted by a buzzing sound from the burner phone I keep in my desktop drawer. I pull out the work phone, which I only use for informants and witnesses who want to keep off the record, to see a text from an unknown number.
That’s not uncommon with this phone since I keep it for sources that don’t want to be tracked.
Unknown Number: This is Nicole. You gave me this number in the parking lot of McGruder’s.
I immediately remember her. The former employee at one of Sebastian Blackmon’s fast-food chains.
Me: Yes, I remember. How are you?
Her response comes back within seconds.
Nicole: I’m okay. But I have something to tell you. It’s about the restaurant.
I push my food to the side.
Me: What is it?
Nicole: Can we meet in person?
Me: I’m available today. Just name the time and place.
I wait for a few seconds. Seconds turn into a full minute.
Nicole: I can’t today. I’m closing at the restaurant tonight and have to start my shift in about five minutes. Can we meet tomorrow for lunch or something?
I tell her I can and name a small restaurant that’s not too far from my office. I give her the name and address, and we agree to meet there the following day.