Page 122 of Random in Death
She took the glides at a jog.
Peabody raced to keep up. “Did Whitney—”
“He gave us forty-eight, but we don’t have nearly that. The Dillon place first. You drive.”
“I need to call in a favor with a fed. Mira says it’s likely he’ll change pattern with the next. Power and punishment. Rape, physical assault, then murder. I don’t think he’s tried rape before, but we’re going to be sure.”
She pulled out her ’link as they clanged down the steps to the garage. “Agent Teasdale, Lieutenant Dallas.”
“Yes. Jenna Harbough, Arlie Dillon, Kiki Rosenburg.”
“That’s right.” She got in the car as Peabody took the wheel. “I think we’re close, but frankly, reading you in fully and coordinating will eat into the time I think I have before he hits again.”
“Then what can I do for you, and them?”
“Dr. Mira believes after last night’s miss, he’ll escalate. He has access to Rohypnol. If he can use it, take her somewhere private enough, he’ll rape her before he kills her. I don’t believe he’s raped or attempted rape previous. But if I’m wrong.”
“Give me the best physical description of him you have, and I’ll run it with those factors.”
“I appreciate it.”
“We work the same side, Lieutenant. Send me what you have, and I’ll get back to you by this afternoon.”
When she had, Eve put the ’link away. “Okay, we’ve got to cover every possibility. We’ll make this search fast. I don’t expect to find anything that links to him.”
“Like with the prior rape, no chances taken.”
“Right.” When Peabody pulled up at the apartment building, Eve got out. “Wait.” Though she said wait, she moved toward the building, pulled her ’link again as she mastered in.
“I need to talk to her,” Eve began.
The dragon admin merely said, “One moment, Lieutenant.”
And a moment later, Mira’s face came on-screen.
“Wouldn’t he, at some point, need to know the victim? Someone he’s seen, wanted? Someone who’s rejected him, made fun of him, ignored him? Whatever. At some point, wouldn’t he want that power over someone personal?”
“That’s a very good point, and very possible. It’s also possible that each of these girls, though they don’t share coloring or build, represents someone who rejected him. And, I’m sorry, Eve, but his victims may simply represent all the ones who’ve ignored him.”
“Okay, okay, so no easy answer there.”
“I wish I could give you one. When you have him, we’ll know that answer.”
“All right. Thanks.”
She mastered into the apartment.
“He’s probably been rejected, or took it that way, plenty.”
Eve nodded as she scanned the living area. It even looked sad now.
“Yeah, but… Why did I hold out for Big Bitch Brenda?”