Page 48 of Small Town Sparks
“Danny! What are you doing here?”
“I had a client here. Too sick to come and meet me, so ever the professional, I moved my office to them.”
He smiled down at me, dark brows knit in concern as he studied the bags around me. Dressed in a black top half hidden underneath a thick coat, he was as handsome as ever, even with red cheeks from the cold. So much so that I was slightly embarrassed to be seen like this.
“Is everything okay? Are you leaving the city?” Danny asked. “Surely not. I feel like we haven’t had enough time together.”
“Not by choice,” I admitted with a wry smile, and my heart fluttered at his sincerity. “My uh… funds ran out for this place, so I have to find something new. I’m not leaving the city for a little while, not if I can help it.”
“Your funds?” He looked as if he was going to press more but then quickly decided against it. I was relieved; somehow, trying to lie around everything with Toby was simply too messy, and I had no idea how to explain my sudden absence of money.
“Where are you going to stay?”
“Honestly? I have no clue. I need… Well, I’m going to try and find a place, but this city is so expensive. I’m giving myself a day, and if I can’t find a place by then, well…” I trailed off and sighed. “Then I will have no choice but to go home and tackle all my inheritance issues by email. Because that always works out so well.”
“Emails leave a paper trail,” Danny pointed out with a smile. “That always works in your favor.”
“That is true.” I forced a smile and sucked in a deep breath. “I’ll figure something out.”
“Nonsense.” Danny stooped and picked up my suitcase, then he began striding down the street toward the valet.
“Danny!” I gathered my other bag and the dress, then hurried after him. “What are you doing?!”
At the Valet, Danny said something to the man, and he darted away. By the time I caught up, Danny’s car pulled up in front of us and he beamed at me.
“I know a place you can stay,” Danny said, and he passed my suitcase off to his driver.
“I’m not staying with you,” I replied hotly. I barely knew him, and even though he was attractive, and I had filthy thoughts about him, I wasn’t accepting that kind of offer.
“Not with me, silly,” Danny laughed, and my cheeks flared immediately. “I know a hotel that owes me a favor. You can stay there.”
“No, no I couldn’t!” I clutched my bag to my body and shook my head. Something was surely going to come with strings, and I was in enough trouble with one rich guy.
“I insist,” Danny smiled. “Please, I know how tough law things can be. Remember my ex? Being here, where you can attend things in person, is for the best, and even at the end of your stay, if you decide to pay then more power to you. Let me help.”
He was so earnest, and he made a good point. Facing Toby was easier in person and despite my reservations, could I really pass something like this up? Especially when I was slightly hungover and tired; hotel hunting would be hard. I hesitated for a few seconds later before I realized my reservations were just me being stubborn.
“Okay!” Danny stored the rest of my luggage in the car as I slid into the back seat. Settling into the soft leather, I leaned back and groaned in bliss. Who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth? Danny slid in next to me a minute later, and his smile melted my heart as the heat inside warmed my chilled muscles.
“Long night?” he asked as I fought off a yawn.
“A little.”
“A good one, though, huh?” His brow raised as if he already knew the answer, and my eyes narrowed slightly. Did he know? Did they talk about me? They were all friends after all, and I had slept with all of them; maybe a discussion was the natural way of things.
“A very good one,” I confirmed with a smile.
“Monroe parties are always one to remember,” Danny chuckled.
The drive to the new hotel was under five minutes, something I was very relieved about. It didn’t take me too far out of the area of the city that I had come to learn, and it meant I could still reach all my favorite shops. The building was sleek on the outside and much more filled with life on the inside. Instead of the strict Manager and porter who looked like he chewed on wasps on the daily, I was greeted by a warm woman who checked me in quickly just by Danny mentioning his name.