Page 64 of Small Town Sparks
“Stalker? Is that what you think?” Just like that, Shane’s anger started to rise once more. “I show you I care, and you call it fucking stalking!?”
He started to advance but I and Lucas immediately stepped forward, tucking Scarlett behind us.
“Back off,” I snapped. “Or you won’t be able to contact anyone because you’ll be in the hospital.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Shane retorted.
“Try me,” Lucas snapped, and he rocked forward, itching for the chance to land another blow. For a second, it looked like Shane was considering taking on all three of us before, finally, he backed down and stepped backward.
Sniffling thickly, he wiped his nose again and glared at Scarlett. “You’re not fucking worth it.” Then he turned and stomped away, muttering something about whores. I watched him until he’d turned the corner out of sight, then I turned to Scarlett. Sebastian’s arm was draped over her shoulder, and she clasped her trembling hands together.
“Are you okay?” Lucas asked softly.
She nodded quickly. “Yes. I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to see him here, of all places. You guys have amazing timing.” She glanced up at all three of us in turn, a strong smile across her lips, but there was wariness in her eyes.
“We were having dinner around the corner,” I explained. “A thankful twist of luck, I think. What are you doing out here?”
“I was having dinner with Toby a couple of streets over. We were—we were finalizing all the things we needed to do in order for me to keep the house and a little honey pot, and the rest would go to him.” Her smile strengthened slightly. “It was a lovely night, and I was feeling good, so I wanted to walk back to my hotel. Hadn’t expected the devil ex to turn up.”
“That’s amazing!” Sebastian squeezed her shoulders. “The house, I mean, not the ex.”
“Right?” Scarlett beamed up at him. “Lesson learned though.”
Concern continued to rumble in my chest as I considered how on earth Shane must have found her. The city was huge, and she didn’t strike me as the kind of person to announce her whereabouts on social media, not when it concerned something as important as her home.
“Do you want to get a drink?” Lucas asked, his brow furrowed in concern while his injured hand flexed at his side. “You look like you need it.”
“I do,” Scarlett laughed softly, “but honestly, I think I just want to get back. That’s more than enough excitement for me. But holy shit thank you so much for intervening. Shane is…” She trailed off, and her smile faltered. “He’s more resourceful than I ever gave him credit for.” Then her eyes dropped to Lucas’ hand, and she winced. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Lucas chuckled. “I like being the hero.”
Sebastian tsked softly, drawing our attention. A silence looked passed between us, an understanding that Scarlett was not going to be left alone so soon after her psycho ex had turned up. Especially since the guy still hadn’t grasped his new single status.
“Let us walk you back to your hotel,” I smiled. “Try and salvage the nice night.”
“And get some ice for Lucas’ hand,” Sebastian remarked. The idea perked Scarlett up, and she nodded quickly, her brown curls bouncing.
“Yes,” Scarlett decided. “Alright. I’d like that. Thank you!”
The altercation with Shane left me more shaken than I wanted to admit. How he had found me was anyone’s guess, but I could reason that he was just too good at not letting me go. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had called every hotel in the area until someone mentioned my name.
That was exactly why I was glad when Danny and the others offered to walk me back to the hotel; being alone didn’t feel like the right thing to do now. That and if Shane was still lurking around, then he would see that I had company and hopefully that would deter him from ever turning up at my door.
“So, you and Toby huh?” Lucas settled next to me as we walked, with Danny and Sebastian leading the way but still lingering close.
“Yeah.” I flashed him a smile. “It’s kind of weird but at the same time, it’s really nice. I mean, he’s not angry anymore and I don’t hate him. I understand that pain can do strange things.”
“That’s true.” Lucas nodded. “But it doesn’t fully excuse his behavior.”
“No but it makes it understandable. When my mother passed, I hated everyone. I argued with anyone who even dared to look at me. And in a town like where I live, it’s hard for people not to look at you.” I chuckled softly. “But he seems genuine, and that’s nice. Once he files the paperwork I signed, my house will be mine and that’s all I care about.”
“That’s amazing.” Lucas leaned in slightly and our shoulders bumped together. “I’m really glad that’s worked out for you.”
“Me too.” Huddling a little deeper into my coat, I ended up looping my arm through Lucas’ elbow and cuddling closer as we walked. “Now I just need to make sure no other dead relatives are going to crawl out of the woodwork and things might finally settle down.”