Page 66 of Small Town Sparks
“Come sit!” Lucas dropped onto the pillow pile and slapped one of the cushions next to him.
“You’re all drunk,” I laughed. “You have to be.”
“Why?” Danny passed one of the plates to Lucas. “Is this not rich enough for you?”
“Definitely not,” I teased, and I climbed over the couch, then settled into the pillow pile next to Lucas.
“Well, that’s because you don’t know about this!” Danny handed me some pizza and then darted back to the counter. Two minutes later, he was in front of me with a tray holding four steaming mugs of hot chocolate. “Better?”
“Oh my god,” I chuckled, taking a cup. “This is amazing.”
“Sugar is good for shock,” Sebastian said, finally settling on an animated movie and dropping into the pillow fort next to me. “And the pizza is good for… well, it’s pizza.”
Lucas laughed beside me, taking his own cup, and within two minutes, everyone had their pizza and hot drink. Then the movie started to play.
With the lights down low, three warm bodies surrounding me and tasty treats, a sensation of bliss settled over me. Indeed, the hot chocolate was sweet, and every sip chased away the lingering tendrils of alarm caused by Shane. The pizza was tasty and soaked up the alcohol within everyone and as the movie wore on, empty dishes were discarded, and limbs became entangled.
With Lucas on one side, Sebastian on the other, and Danny’s thigh acting like a pillow, I was incredibly content. The conversation was light, flowing with jokes and remarks about the movie as well as light teasing for how close they had all become; no one else had gotten a pillow fort date. By the time the credits rolled, I was warm, cozy, and happy.
“Thank you,” I said, lazily tracking the names up the screen.
“For?” Lucas prompted, equally lazily.
“For being here. For noticing me. For making this sweet and taking my mind off Shane.”
“Anytime,” Danny said, and his tender fingers stroked softly through my hair. Sebastian, fighting a yawn, made an agreeable noise.
“We’re not just good for sex,” he chuckled.
Laughter erupted and if I hadn’t been so completely tired and at peace, I might have put that claim to the test.
“I mean it. I’ve never had someone here for me like this so to have all three of you…” She trailed off with a groan and sat up. “I need to go to bed. I get sappy when I’m tired.”
“Oh, the horror,” Lucas chuckled and he wound his arm around my waist. “We can’t tempt you to stay?”
“You’re half-asleep as it is,” I laughed. I leaned down and pressed a light kiss to his lips. “Thank you.” He kissed me back immediately and my heart fluttered, then I moved over to Sebastian and kissed him too. He cupped my cheek with one hand and nodded as I pulled away.
Danny was next and he had already sat up, accepting my kiss with a pleased noise then he stroked my jaw with one finger.
“Goodnight,” Scarlett said with a wide smile, dragging myself away from the amazing cuddle pile before my mind got other ideas. I was far too tired for anything else, and simply spending time with them for a movie and a soft date was amazing. I clambered out of the pillow pile and headed for the bedroom, giving them all one last lingering look before I closed the door.
My bed was cold to crawl into and it made me immediately miss the warmth of the guys, but sleep came so quickly that I didn’t have much time to dwell on it. I fell into a deep, satisfied sleep, feeling more secure than I had ever felt in my entire life. That security followed me into my dreams where I remained close to Lucas, Danny, and Sebastian, and a vibrant future played out for me in my mind.
I slept so deeply that when I woke the next morning, I was very groggy, and it took me a long time to sort out my thoughts and remember that the three of them were even still here. Yawning, I grabbed my phone to check the time and then slowly pulled myself from the luxurious warmth of the bed. Tiredness clung to my limbs, but it faded rapidly as I darted toward the door and opened it just a crack. My heart lifted immediately.
Lucas, Danny, and Sebastian were all still asleep, spread out across the couches and the pillow fort. The soft noises of their sleeping warmed my soul and I leaned against the doorframe, just watching them sleep for a few minutes. Then I retreated back into my room and called Lily.
“You better have a good reason for calling me this early,” Lily groaned.
“I have three gorgeous men asleep in my hotel room right now,” I giggled quietly. “And I needed to tell you so that I can always remember this moment.”
“Oh?” Lily yawned, and the clinking sound of cups could be heard. “Good night?”
“The best. I mean, I ran into Shane.”