Page 68 of Small Town Sparks
Reaching the bar, I set down my empty glass and slid onto one of the velvet-covered stools, setting my purse down on the bar.
“Can I get you anything?” The blonde bartender flashed a bright smile, and I laughed softly.
“Anything good for a shock?”
“Are you okay, ma’am?” Concern flashed across my soft features, and I laughed, waving my away gently.
“Yes yes, sorry. I was—never mind. Vodka Cranberry please?”
“Coming up.”
Forcing a calming breath, I took out my phone and texted the good news to Lily; my home was officially mine. Lily responded with a hundred excited emojis and I laughed, sending back my love just as my drink arrived. Two sips in, a warm hand landed on my bare shoulder, and I turned to see Lucas, Sebastian, and Danny joining me.
“Scarlett!” Lucas leaned in to kiss my cheek and I quickly turned my head, catching his lips instead. A note of surprise escaped his throat, and when our kiss parted, his cheeks were dusted faintly pink. I grinned and slid off the stool, brushing past him to cup Sebastian’s cheek and pull him in for a quick kiss too.
“Evening, boys,” I said, parting that kiss and planting a soft kiss on Danny’s lips too. “I was looking for you.”
“You know us too well,” Lucas chuckled, catching the eye of the bartender and making a silent order with a wave of his hand. “We’re never far from the bar.”
“Well,” I chuckled, returning to my stool. “You all strike me as having the same somewhat avoidant nature as I do to large crowds like this.”
“It’s true,” Sebastian groaned. “We’re here for Toby and his grand speech, and then it’s away out into the night before someone can corner me and grill me about the scallops, they had at one of my restaurants.”
“Or demand free therapy because I take after my mother and surely must provide it for free in passing to people who want to be friends,” Danny added.
“Oh gross.” I wrinkled my nose. “Thank goodness I don’t do anything that can be done on a whim.”
“You mean to say you can’t whip up a full Graphic portfolio on the spot? No laptop hidden in that dress?” Sebastian teased. His gaze flitted down me, brow lifting appreciatively, and I laughed as my cheeks warmed.
“Sadly not. There’s barely room for me in this dress.”
“We could always help you out with that,” Lucas murmured, and he winked. Soft laughter rose from everyone and as the bartender began pouring three ales, I turned to Sebastian and leaned closer.
“I’m sorry if this isn’t the place, but I wanted to let you know in person. I signed the contract,” I said with a grin. I’d signed it last night while on a call with Lily having an insanely long talk about the future. Working for Sebastian, regardless of anything else, was too good an opportunity to pass up.
Sebastian’s eyes widened, and then he suddenly hugged me, squashing my glass between us. “That’s amazing, thank you!”
“Why are you thanking me?” I giggled, amused that his cool demeanor had slipped for a second.
“I can’t tell you how many interviews I gave before we met. I was ready to drown myself in roux,” he grinned. “I’m so glad.”
“I can start next week.”
“You’re a star!” Sebastian’s lips brushed my temple then he leaned back when Lucas passed a tall glass of beer into his hand. Danny leaned around to take his own as I caught Lucas’ forearm for his attention.
“Lucas… or Danny, anyone really. If you could point me toward anywhere more permanent than a hotel, that would also be amazing,” I said.
All three men paused, drinks in hand as the gears turned and the weight of my request sank in.
“More permanent?” Danny asked softly.
“You’re staying!?” Lucas clicked much faster than the other two, and I burst out laughing, nodding carefully so as not to upset my hairdo.
“For a while, at least. And while the hotel is generous, Danny, I can’t stay there forever. I need somewhere with substance and a little less ten am wake up for cleaning.” I drained my glass, watching my three men glance at each other. Suddenly they surged forward, and I was bundled into a group hug filled with laughter.
“This is amazing!” Danny exclaimed.
“I wasn’t ready to let you go just yet,” Sebastian agreed, and Lucas simply bounced slightly up and down in excitement.