Page 84 of Small Town Sparks
Shane shot me.
My legs turned to jelly and the sounds of Danny’s violent fight with Shane faded into the background as I fell. Lucas caught me before I hit the floor and the warm contact of his arm sent a shudder through me.
“Shh, shh I’m right here. Oh god, I’m right here.”
Pressure landed on my wound and the flash of pain sent a flash of white across my vision. Tight, cramping pain mingled with the sharp stabbing, and tears sprung hot in my eyes.
“H-How did you find me?”
“Toby,” Lucas replied softly. “He knew about the cabin; it was a guess but a fucking lucky one. Deep breaths, Scarlett.”
His eyes shone above me, reflecting the light above me. Suddenly, Danny’s face appeared, filled with worry. Blood poured from a laceration above his brow and his nose was busted.
“Scarlett? Oh my god, it’s okay. We’re getting you out of here, okay? Deep breaths, okay?”
As they repeated the reassurance, their voices started to drift as if they were moving further and further away.
“Seb?” I asked weakly.
“He’s okay,” Lucas assured me, and a smile flickered across my lips.
He was okay. They were okay. My eyes fluttered and darkness crept up around the edges of my vision. Danny pressed a phone to his ear and even though I could see his lips moving, the words didn’t reach me. Even the agony in my side started to fade. My chest constricted and suddenly, a single thought popped into my mind as I dully clicked where the wound was in my abdomen. I whimpered softly and managed to utter that thought before darkness consumed me completely.
“I’m p-pregnant.”
“Dude, your elbow.”
“Fuck off, I’m comfy.”
“Not on me you’re not. Shift.”
“Buzz kill.”
“You two are worse than children.”
“Shut up, Seb. You can’t talk.”
“I got shot in the lung, not the voice box.”
The warm, familiar tones of the men I loved drifted over me like a soft blanket as consciousness gradually trickled back to me. The searing, painful pressure that had echoed in my last thoughts no longer seemed to be an issue. With a cotton-filled mouth, I slowly opened my eyes and immediately closed them again as the light sent a sharp pain through my skull. A few seconds later, I tried again, and slowly a blurred world came into view. A few blinks later and I could see with only slight fuzziness around the edges.
Toby was seated to my right, shaking his head as Lucas and Danny argued to my left. Sebastian was at the foot of the bed in a hospital gown, slightly hunched over as he chuckled.
They were all here. I was here in the hospital.
“Scarlett?” Toby rose slightly and clasped my hand. Silence fell amongst the other three, and all eyes were on me.
“What happened?” I croaked and winced as talking pulled at all the dry muscles in my throat. “Where’s Shane?”
Toby shifted to the table next to me and poured a glass of water as Lucas spoke.