Page 55 of Smoke and Serenity
The metallic buzz of extraction tools echoed through the rain as Jackson oversaw his firefighters maneuver carefully to avoid worsening any injuries. Short on manpower, he headed over toward Ruth’s car. As he hurried across the roadway, a sudden blur caught his peripheral vision. Without warning, a car materialized seemingly out of nowhere, avoiding the roadblocks, hurtling toward him with frightening velocity.
In a split second that felt like an eternity, Jackson's instincts kicked in, propelling him forward with desperation. Adrenaline surged through his veins as he felt the rush of wind against his skin, the car mere inches from colliding with him.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Jackson's heart exploded in his chest, every fiber of his being focused on evading the imminent danger. With a surge of agility, he managed to dart out of harm's way, his pulse racing with the close call.
As the car roared past, the sound of its engine fading into the distance, Jackson stood frozen in place, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. Two firefighters and a police officer came running his way. A police cruiser tore off after the speeding car.
“I’m okay. Get back to work,” Jackson urged. With trembling limbs, he pressed onward, his heart still in his throat.
Jackson managed to shimmy into the seat behind Olivia’s sister. “Hey, Ruth, it’s Jackson Reynolds. We’re going to get you out of here.” He covered her in a gray wool blanket.
Ruth’s teeth were chattering. “Liv’s Jackson?” she asked, confusion in her voice.
Jackson noted the cracked windshield where her head collided and her retracted seatbelt.
“I guess you could say that. It’s about to get noisy under here, but I’ve got you.” He slipped his gloved hands around her head and neck and settled into the back seat of her Jeep, a faint shiver running down his spine. The rain pattered against the roof, creating a rhythmic melody.
“Brr, it's getting chilly.” He called out the door to a firefighter, “Get me a second blanket and a collar.”
Ruth sniffled at the raindrops trickling down the glass. “Definitely a dreary day. Thanks for braving the rain for this ride. Needed a bit of an escape from the daily chaos.”
Jackson chewed his cheek. She definitely had, at minimum, a concussion. He tried to keep her calm. “No problem at all. Besides, who can resist a Jeep adventure, rain or shine?”
Ruth chuckled, her hands wrapped around the steering wheel as if she were driving.
“So, how's the Halloween prep going at the Everhart household? Are you big decorators?” he continued to keep her talking.
“We all go to my mom’s and decorate. Liv loves to hang decorations off the peaks. It's like a military operation, but with skeletons. And you could come too. Can we borrow the ladder truck?” When she giggled, she sounded like Olivia.
“Well, Liv hasn’t asked me yet, but maybe I can help decorate.” He slipped his fingers beneath the collar to monitor her pulse.
“You got this, Jackson.” She yawned. “I think I need to pull over; I’m getting tired. You know, there's something about this rainy weather. Makes you slow down, appreciate the calm before the storm.” The winds had picked up. “Hope we don’t fly to Kansas.”
“It's like nature's way of reminding us to take a breath and find comfort in the quieter moments. You can rest now,” Jackson said.
Another firefighter covered Ruth and Jackson’s heads with a thick blanket. “We’re ready to cut.”
“Ruth, I’m right here with you. We are going to get you out of the car in a few minutes, and then we’ll take a ride in my ambulance. My turn for the fun ride.”
“Okay.” She yawned again. “You know Liv is really into you?”
Jackson grinned. “That’s nice to hear.”
The hydraulic tools hissed as they worked to pry open the car's door, finally freeing her. Ruth was gently lifted out onto a long board as Jackson's voice projected calmness. “You're safe now, Ruth. Just keep talking with me.”
“I'm okay,” she assured him with a shaky voice.
“Let's get her into the ambulance,” Jackson instructed the team taking care of her.
When the last victim was extricated, and the scene was cleared and controlled, Jackson climbed into the Tahoe. He pulled his phone from the console and, with a deep breath, dialed Liv.
“Hey, I was just thinking about you. I can bring some fried chicken and fixings from Sally’s by the station,” Liv said.
“Livvy, Ruth was in an accident. She's shaken up, her Jeep is totaled, but she's stable. She's on her way to the hospital.”
“What happened?” Liv's voice turned frantic.
“Livvy, breathe. Accident at Clancy and Meridian. I was with her in the car. She’s awake and moving all her arms and legs, but she’s a little confused. I can get relief and meet you there if you want,” Jackson offered.