Page 11 of Stone
Texas, here I come.
I turn down the long drive that leads to the big house on Hardtail Ranch, where Peaches and Gunnar live. Sage and I are always invited when the MC hosts parties and family gatherings. The call to show up at two this afternoon hit differently, though. This was no party.
“What are we doing here today?” Sage asks in a whiny tone.
Oaklee, Gray’s kid sister, flashes a wide smile and leans forward between the seats. “We’re here because when Peaches and Mom say jump, we ask how high.” At eighteen, she’s already a stunner, with thick brown hair and brown eyes that go from gold to coffee, depending on her mood.
Sage laughs. “Can’t argue with that. Ella Mae will have made some kind of food, so I don’t really care what they want. I’m going inside.” I pull to a stop in the parking circle, and she pushes open the door, hops out, and darts into the house without a look back.
“Hungry bitch,” I whisper under my breath, but Oaklee’s bark of laughter says it’s not low enough.
“Ugh, we were too busy drinking last night to even think about food. Then we slept in until you came knocking earlier. Neither of us has had a single thing to eat since yesterday.” She pauses, then adds hastily, “But don’t you dare tell my Mama and Daddy about that.”
I grin as we climb out of my beat-up sedan. “Tell them what, exactly?”
“Exactly,” Oaklee repeats with a smirk. She bounds up the stairs ahead of me. I hang back, eyeing my junky old ride. Maybe it’s time I treat myself to a sweet new ride. I have enough money saved up.
“Everything okay?” Peaches’ voice pulls my gaze from my car to the woman who is a second mother to me.
“Yeah. I was thinking I need a new car. Any tips?”
“Yes. Take Gray with you so these good ol’ boys don’t take advantage of a pretty face. And don’t get a big-ass pickup truck, please.”
I laugh. “You have one.”
Peaches laughs before she wraps me in a hug, kissing my cheek the way she always does in greeting. “Yeah, well, I’m a crazy old lady, so I get to do dumb shit like that. But in a few years, it’ll be hard as hell to get my old bones up in that thing.”
I stop and stare at her. “Old? Peaches, you’ll never get old.”
Her burgundy brows shoot up in surprise. “Aww, hon, you’re such a sweetheart.”
“Now, what’s happening that you called everybody over here to help?”
Peaches’ expression changes to one of pure excitement. “A party. We need you girls to help with, well, with everything,” she says with a laugh.
No one throws parties like the Reckless Bastards. At least, no party I’ve ever been to has stacked up to theirs. There’s always a ton of food, booze, and anything else you might want to enhance your party-going experience.
As a dumb kid, I always over-did the party favors. But when I hit twenty-one, I learned that a couple of shots, a beer, and a hot biker are the perfect combination for a fun time. “What are we celebrating?”
“Being alive,” Peaches answers in that sassy way of hers that’s sweet but leaves no more room for questions.
I shrug and follow her inside the kitchen, where Ella Mae is already feeding Sage and Oaklee. Her smile brightens when she sees me, and I accept her hug and offer up my cheek for a kiss. Sure, I’m Gray’s old lady, but she’s more to me than my boyfriend’s mom.
“You look beautiful,” she whispers.
“Thanks. I showered.”
“Did you?” Sage asks sarcastically before taking a big bite out of a burrito.
“Ivy, more burritos are warming in the oven. Egg, potato, and black bean. Sage and Oaklee, I need you girls to help with the food.”
They both groan in unison, and I laugh. This scene has been playing out for years. The only difference is we’re all a little older this year. “Have fun with the food, girls.” I shouldn’t taunt them, but it’s fun, and I already know what my assignment will be.
“Ivy will help me set up the bar and chairs in the yard,” Peaches says, trying to make Sage and Oaklee feel better.