Page 25 of Stone
“Of course. Extra spicy guac?”
I give Dad a look. “See, Dad? Avocados are life.”
I kiss her cheek, and I know my dad is right. No matter what’s going on, it’s good to be back in Texas, back in Opey, and back with my family. I’m ready to settle into my new, old life, learn the MC ropes, and figure out whatever comes next.
But first, tacos.
Sage eyes me suspiciously as we slide into a booth at Tio Tito’s. “Okay, what’s going on? Why are we eating bougie tacos for lunch in the middle of the week?”
I shrug nonchalantly. “Can’t I treat my baby sister to the best tacos in Texas every once in a while?”
“You? Willingly spending your dolla dolla bills at a restaurant during the week?” Sage laughs. “Spill it girl. What’s going on?”
“What do you mean what’s going on?” For years, I had to pinch every penny just to get by. But things are different now. “I’m just trying to enjoy the good life while it lasts. And I’d like a good margarita that I don’t have to make myself. Cheezus, live a little.”
Sage settles back against the booth. “Okay, sis. I’m livin’. I’m livin’.” Now she’s got a confused look. “But, why won’t the good times last? Trouble in paradise?”
“What? No. Things are fine with Gray.” After our little bitch session a few nights ago, things are back to normal. I think.
“Fine? The man got your car fixed and had it delivered, so I’d say things are more than fine.”
Ugh. “That gleam in your eyes isn’t attractive. At all.” I point at the fake as a two dollar bill look of innocence on her face until she explodes with laughter.
“That’s what you say, but the guys all say differently.” Sage rests her chin in her hand and stares at me with a goofy-ass smile on her face. “Go on, say it. Out loud, so the entire class can hear.”
“You’re a nosy fucker. You know that, don’t you?”
“I do,” she answers without shame.
“Fine,” I sigh and roll my eyes, taking a big gulp of the margarita as soon as it hits the table. “Gray didn’t fix it. Stone fixed it and delivered to the house this morning.”
“Wow,” she sighs, her eyes going all soft and unfocused. “That is so sweet.”
“It’s what friends do for each other.”
“Hmm,” Sage replies before switching our margaritas. “Why did you let me get passion fruit?”
“Because it’s always funny to watch you forget how much you hate passion fruit. Every. Damn. Time.”
Sage narrows her gaze in my direction, but the glare fades, and slowly, a look of mischief flashes.
“What?” I’m on edge because that look never comes before anything good. “Sage, what?”
“Have you ever, you know, banged Stone?” With her chin resting in her hand, Sage pushes away the passion fruit margarita and waits. And waits.
My brows dip in confusion. Why is she bringing that up completely out of the blue? I know if I ask, it will only bring more questions. But I can’t help myself. “Why would you ask that?”
“Uhm…because he’s hot as fuck, and you guys were joined at the hip back in the day.”
“That was back in the day, and we were kids.”
“You were eighteen, and I happen to know that neither of you were virgins back then. So, spill. Have you seen his dick? Is it big? I’ll bet it’s long and thick, maybe even with a slight curve.”
“Sage!” I look around, but no one is paying attention to us. They’re all too busy with their own lives.