Page 64 of Stone
“Fuck, Stone! How can I trust you to ever stand at the head of this MC when you do stupid shit like this? Grow up, son. This isn’t just a club, you know. It’s our family. A goddamn brotherhood. If you don’t know that by now, then maybe you’re not ready to take over.”
My gaze connects with Ivy, and she’s wearing a look that’s clear as day to read. I told you so.
“I need you to think straight, Stone. Stop leading with your heart. It’s a valuable tool, one that won’t lead you astray, but that can’t be your only fucking tool, son.” I can tell Dad is furious because he’s calm as fuck on the outside. The only hint of his inner rage is the red tint on his face and the clench of his jaw.
“I know. I’m sorry.” I know going out every night to do what I’ve been doing is wrong. I couldn’t stop myself because I need to do this. Despite what Dad and Ivy think, killing that guy five years ago is my fuck up. And those assholes coming after her and Gray is related to that.
“I know you’re sorry, Stone, but goddammit, I need you to think this shit through. What happens if you get cuffs slapped on you? Do I send you away again and bail your ass out? What your mom and I did to get you home is unthinkable now.”
“I know, Dad.”
“If you know so much then why the fuck are you doing it?” he steamrolls over my words. “What the fuck are we supposed to do if your ma or Ivy get killed?”
“That’s exactly why I’m going after these assholes!” I smacked the table with both hands. “I need to get to them before they can go after anyone else I love. Why the fuck is that so hard to understand?”
Dad nods as if he gets it, but his next words relieve me of that fairytale. “Oh, I see. You’re so big and bad and tough as fuck out there on your own.”
“I didn’t say that,” I begin, but he cuts me off.
“In fact, you’re so fucking tough that you are the only person in all of Texas who can take these mother fuckers down. You’re a better shot than the rest of the MC. A better fighter. A better rider. All of it.”
“Dad,” I growl.
“You’re a one-man MC, so what the fuck do the rest of us even matter? Right?”
I pinch the bridge of my nose and bite back a frustrated growl. I hear his words, and they resonate. “Dad, I get it. I’ve been an asshole.”
“More like a one-man wrecking crew,” Dad adds with a barely amused grin. “You’re young and dumb. It’s to be expected. And corrected if you ever want to lead this MC.” His gaze sears into me as if he can burn out all my idiotic moves with that one look. “This is the whole fucking point of having brothers, Stone.”
My head hangs low, and I nod, feeling like the same eighteen-year-old fuck-up I was five years ago. “I’m sorry.”
“All I’m saying,” Dad sighs before scrubbing a hand down his face. “All I’m saying is that we’re stronger together. That’s why we all have roles in the MC. Together, we can trap this motherfucker, trip him up or lead him right into our clutches where you can do with him whatever you want.”
I nod. “I know, and I’m sorry. I’ve just been so fucking angry and filled with guilt. It’s my bad, and I apologize.”
“I accept it, but I need to drill this into you so it’s a lesson you never forget.” He sits so we’re face to face, closer than we’ve been in a long fucking time. “Doing shit like this on your own, and especially without telling anyone, puts the whole MC at risk. Is that what you want? Or is this some way to punish us, to punish me for sending you away?”
Is it? Even if it’s some subconscious shit, that’s not my goal. “No. I don’t want to punish anyone in the MC or anyone on Hardtail Ranch.” I shake my head and scrub my hands over my jeans. “This is all happening because of me. If I hadn’t come back, Trey wouldn’t be stirring up shit with the MC, so this is on me to handle.”
“Maybe so.” Ivy wraps her hands around my bicep, giving it a squeeze. “But you don’t have to handle it on your own.” Her hand cradles my face until all I can see is Ivy and her bottomless blue eyes. “Fuck them up but have someone watching your back.”
I nod. “Yeah.”
“Good,” Dad growls. “Because we do this the right way. Together, or you keep your ass at home. Got it?”
“Yeah, I got it.” The last thing I want to do is sit at home while my brothers go handle a problem that rests on my shoulders.
Ivy smiles and pushes away from the table, busying herself with the breakfast dishes while keeping her ear to our conversation.
“Ma, you said you needed to find out where Trey has been. What did you find out?” If there’s anyone on this fucking Earth who knows everything there is to know about that asshole, it’s my mother.
Her smile spreads slowly, and she looks at me with affection, the way she always does, even when I piss her off.
“I’m glad to see you’ve pulled your head outta your ass.” She leans over to smack a loud kiss on one side of my face before walking off to her office.
“You’ve made her day,” Dad says, smiling at Ma when she returns. “And mine. It’s good to see you thinking smart.”
I laugh. “It was bound to happen sooner or later. Let’s just hope there’s something Ma found that will help us nail this fucker.”