Page 69 of Stone
Then comes return fire. Skull Crushers storm out the back door, leading with their guns.
“Eyes up,” Saints calls out just as he squeezes the trigger.
I’m focusing on the two assholes wearing Skull Crushers patches. Saint has their full focus since he squeezed off a few shots before me. I use that to my advantage. The first shot rings out, putting a hole in the side of the first guy’s head. He drops before he takes his next step.
“Saint,” I call out.
“I’m good,” he replies.
We both shoot the second asshole at the same time, and he goes down to his knees, squeezing off one final shot before Saint gets him right between the eyes.
“Nice shot,” I say, my voice a little high on the excitement now, my nerves all but gone.
“I know,” Saint says, calm as fuck. We head inside and Saint and I shoot again, taking them both down without mercy. “That’s four,” I say with a proud smile.
“I’ll finish them off,” Saint says. “Go in search of your boy.”
I nod and look around to orient myself to the layout of their clubhouse. The main room is empty except for Saint and the dead bikers. To the left, a long bar takes up the entire wall. I hear a noise and check it out. Looking over the top of the bar, I find one of the club whores curled into a corner hugging her legs. She looks young. I aim my gun at her. “Get the fuck out. Now!”
Her gaze darts down before she scrambles to her feet and hauls ass out of there.
I can’t be sure, but I think she’s telling me there’s someone else under there, someone I can’t see. Carefully, I tiptoe around the imposing bar, tapping it as I go along, spilling the glasses and bottles on top of it. It’s slight, but I hear a movement near where the whore was, and I smile. “You might as well come out.”
My words are met with silence.
“Okay, let’s do this the hard way, then.” I fire a shot at the wall just above where I think the guy might be. The next shot is a little lower, and the third shot lower still. The fourth shot hits human flesh.
I smile again and step around to get a full view of the bar. It’s the guy from Smoky’s place, the one who ran off like a smart little bitch when his friend got himself killed. I don’t think twice before emptying my last two bullets into him before I slam another clip in, then keep moving through the clubhouse.
I start down a long hallway, looking in each room for Trey. The first room to the right is empty. So is the left room.
“What the fuck?” says a guy in the next room as he stands. But he doesn’t get to his weapon before I put two in his chest.
Silence descends all around, and my heart slows. Everything around me sharpens and comes into focus. Every step forward feels like it’s taking me exactly where I want to be. Before I arrive at the last room, I hear the squeak of a door and a masculine grunt.
Fucking Trey.
I step into the doorway and watch Trey squatting in front of the MC safe, yanking out bricks of cash and drugs.
A voice belts out from my right, “Hey, who the fuck are you?” I look up at another dude aiming his gun at me. But he’s too slow.
I raise my gun and shoot him once right between the eyes before turning back to Trey. “Robbing the MC instead of helping your brothers. Fucking pussy.”
Trey whirls around, schooling his features to hide his fear. “It’s called securing the future of the Skull Crushers.” He turns back to the safe, shouting when I send a bullet flying right past his ear. “What the fuck?”
“You’re not leaving here alive. You know that, don’t you?”
Trey smiles. “You mad I scared your bitch?” He’s laughing to cover the nerves, but I see them in the small movements he can’t control.
I laugh with him. “Mad? No.” I fire a shot that grazes his arm and sends his gun skidding across the floor. “Are you mad that I killed your brother?”
Hate and anger flash in his eyes. “Son of a bitch.” He spits the words out, unable to hide his pain.
“Didn’t think so.”
Trey inches toward the gun, and I don’t make a move to stop him until he’s within reach of it, and then I shoot.