Page 75 of Lich's Desire
“The two of you will probably get going soon, right?”
“Yes, unfortunately,” Kazrith answers.
“Before you go, let me fix you both a meal. It’s the least I can do.”
I look at Kazrith.
“I’d like to stay for that if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” he says. “It’ll give you a chance to say your goodbyes.”
I help my father cook one last time. During the whole meal, not once do I think I might not get to do this again for a long time.
It’s only when the meal concludes that it begins to hit me.
“Thank you for the food, Thomas. It was delicious,” Kazrith says.
“Don’t mention it. Hanna, are you alright?”
“I just… I don’t know when I’m going to see you again.”
Kazrith lays a reassuring hand on the small of my back as my father nods.
“Me neither, but I want you to go with Kazrith. It’s what your heart is telling you to do, isn’t it?”
I look at my lover, meeting his gaze.
“I can tell from the way you two marvel at one another,” my father quips. “You both should go out into the world and seize that happiness you’ve found.”
“Your father’s right,” Kazrith agrees. “Are you ready to do this, Hanna?”
I nod, surer about this than anything else in my life.
“Yeah,” I answer. “It’s time I start making my own desires a priority, and that starts by embarking on my next adventure with you.”
I pack a bag with my most treasured belongings. The sight of my now empty childhood bedroom is heart-wrenching, but I know the time has come for me to move on.
I look at Kazrith standing at the door as he talks to my father. I think of the irony, how I trained so long for a pair of wings, only to bring a literal demon home.
I approach, my chin held high as I ignore the feeling of nervousness in my stomach.
“Ready to go?” my father asks.
“I want you to take this.” From his pocket, he pulls out a necklace, silver in color. “It belonged to your mother. I want you to have it.”
“Turn around,” he says.
I don’t think I can cry anymore, but the next onslaught of tears pours down my face as my father fastens the necklace around me. Kazrith beams down proudly.
I turn around and embrace my father, probably for the last time in a long time.
“Will you be alright?” I ask.
“Of course, I will. Don’t worry your pretty little head about me.”