Page 55 of No Way Back
“No can do,” she sighs, hanging her jacket on the coat rail. “Besides, we’d never get any work done if I stayed there.”
I lean against the wall, arms folded, as she straightens her grey hoodie top and ruffles her dark hair. “What kind of name is Sky, anyway? It can’t be his real name.”
“It is. Kind of.” She thumbs over her mobile phone, “Family name is Dobransky, they’re Slovakian. Which one’s your ISP?”
“SKYE506E.” I clear my throat. I feel as if I’ve swallowed a ball of wool.
“What about your password?”
“Vixen A1,” I say. She glances up at me briefly, grinning. “Funny how you haven’t introduced us to Sky,” I comment.
She stops fiddling with her phone and looks at me, “Er…dear kettle, yours sincerely pot.”
“Daniel?” she retorts, giving me a look that says, “are you a complete doughnut?”
“That’s different,” I hit back quickly, “Daniel’s busy. He’s got a family, a business to run.” She raises her eyebrows at me incredulously then returns to her phone with a “whatever” expression.
“So,” I go on, nudging her arm, “is he a lot older than you, then?” She doesn’t answer. “He’s not your teacher is he?”
“Noooowaah,” she snaps, eyes not leaving her phone, “we’re both students.”
“Okaaay.” I gather the lapels of my dressing gown close to my chest and lean forward on my toe, wondering what’s so fascinating about the text she’s reading. “He’s not married, is he?”
“No, Audrey!” She closes the screen down quickly. “I’m not stupid, you know. My God, you’re beginning to sound like my mother! Jeez, Daniel’s got you tied up in knots. I think I preferred you when you were with Nick.”
“What?” I ask, chasing after her as she storms into the kitchen.
“You were less stressed out when you were with him - easy going. Fun!” She wrenches the fridge door open. I’m speechless. “So?” she demands, shaking a carton of orange juice at me. I look at her blankly. “Can I stay, then?” she asks, carton in mid-air.
“Yes, yes, of course,” I wave a hand. “The bed’s already made up in the spare room.” I push my hair off my face and take a deep breath. “I’ll just sort myself out with a couple of paracetamol and a shower then give your mum a call. Find out what’s going on.”
“She’s not in,” she says lightly, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “Tina had the morning off and they’ve gone to see some boring rom-com at the cinema.” She rolls her eyes as she turns on the tap.
“At this hour?” I ask to the drum of water hitting the stainless steel sink.
“Tell me about it,” she mutters. “Tina had an early bird two-for- one offer and wanted to treat Mum.”
I follow her into the lounge, glass of water in one hand, two paracetamol in the other. “OMG, what’s been going on in here?” She looks around the room wildly. The coffee table is strewn with empty wine bottles, half-filled glasses, and crumpled crisp packets. My shoes are lying haphazardly in the middle of the room and my blouse is hanging off the lampshade on the side table. “Someone had fun last night.” Jess scoops something off the floor. I stare in horror as she dangles my black lacy bra on the tip of her index finger. “No wonder you look so rough.”
I snatch the bra out of her hand and demand that she calls my office with a good excuse.
“Wow, that Daniel is red hot, man.” She steps over my red Prada pumps, reaching for the phone, “For an oldie, that is,” she grins, then holds the receiver away from her ear, pokerfaced. “The phone’s dead.”
Scrambling on my knees, I plug the main phone back into the socket. My head is throbbing like a low, dreary base beat in the depths of a dingy R&B nightclub.
“Oh, yeah, there’s a dialling tone now,” Jess confirms. “What’s the number again?” She punches in the digits as I call them out. “I think mum and Gerry were arguing over adoption again. Oh, it’s ringing,” she says excitedly. “You do know that Gerry isn’t keen, don’t you? Oh hello, Stacey, it’s Jess Miller again. Yeah, I’m fine, thanks…listen, just to let you know that Audrey isn’t well and won’t be in today. Oh, no, no, she’s okay, she’s just got…erm…her period.”
“Jess!” I hiss, stamping my foot.
“What?” she whispers, covering the mouthpiece, “You still have them don’t you? Yeah, Stacey, sorry, cat just got under my foot.” Oh, God, I close my eyes and hold my aching head. “Oh, didn’t you know? It’s a rescue cat. Yeah, I know. She’s only had it a few weeks. Yeah, okay, will do…bye.”
“A cat?” I say in exasperation.
“It’s the first thing that came to mind. Audrey, babe, just chill, will you. She bought it and she now thinks you’re a heroine.” I’m too ill to argue.
“What did she say?”