Page 73 of No Way Back
“George,” I whisper, looking over my shoulder. Thankfully, Daniel is leaning against the wall of the bridge, arms folded, staring into the distance. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, stop being coy. I just wanted to say congratulations, that’s all. I bet Daniel’s thrilled.”
“George,” I hiss. “I don’t know what Vicky’s told you but there is no news to be thrilled about.”
“But I thought I was going to become an uncle – at last. Mum’s over the moon.” Oh, fucking hell. My life is over.
“What makes you think that I’d want to have a child with a man I barely know, hmm?”
“Okaaaay, maybe it’s not the ideal scenario but Daniel’s a top bloke, right? We all like him, and besides, I thought you two were all loved-up. Come on, sis, worse things have happened and you’re not getting any younger, are you?” Closing my eyes briefly, I press my palm against my forehead. I can’t believe what’s happening to me today.
“George,” I say through gritted teeth. “I can’t talk now. I’ll call you tomorrow. And don’t you dare tell anyone else, do you hear me?” I feel Daniel’s hands on my shoulders and I shudder slightly.
“Yes, yes, I promise. Bye.”
“Was that George?”
“Yes, it was,” I answer truthfully, wondering how long he’s been standing behind me. How much he’s heard. “He just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.”
“But I thought you said it was work.”
“Just now…on the phone…you said it was work.”
I laugh nervously. “You know I can’t really see without my glasses on.”
“So, I misread the…”
He tuts. “So? Will you marry me?”
“Daniel, listen.” I swallow hard, faffing with the contents in my bag, “you’re a wonderful man and I care about you deeply.”
“Oh, here we go.” He puts his hands on his head and turns full circle, “you’re going to give me the ‘it’s not you it’s me line’, aren’t you?”
“No, no, that’s not what I was going to say.” That’s the exact line I was going to feed him. “This is all just such a shock, that’s all. I mean, you hardly know me really… I…” He grabs my hands, I’m facing him.
“I know all there is to know.” Er… I don’t think so because if you did you’d turn around right now and run for the hills. “God, Audrey, you’re everything I want. Life’s too short to waste time. We’re not getting any younger, are we? I mean I know we’re too old for kids but…” I give him a quick, sharp look. “You don’t want kids, do you?” I shake my head, swallowing back my guilt. “We can stay engaged for a year or so if you like, if you want more time, that is. Just don’t say no, not yet.” Guilt sluices through me. I want him to stop. I can’t do this. I’ve got to come clean. “At least say you’ll think about it…Please.”
“Daniel.” I stare into his pleading eyes and I lose my nerve. “Okay, I’ll think about it.” Oh Christ, why am I such a wuss? He pulls me close and rocks me gently in his arms as a light wind sweeps over us, tugging at my conscience.
“Thank you,” he whispers, “that’s all I wanted to hear.”
Despite the crowds, Daniel and I manage to get to the forefront of the Mona Lisa. I hold onto the wooden barrier and stare at it in utter awe, completely spellbound. I’ve waited a lifetime to see this. Tourists are pushing and shoving, taking selfies with the portrait. A Japanese man nudges me as he leans against the barrier grinning into the camera, and then, dissatisfied with the picture his wife has just taken, insists she takes it again before swapping places with her and going through the entire process again. And all through this mayhem Daniel and I stand hand-in-hand admiring the beauty of this incredible masterpiece in complete silence.
* * *
Later, in the restaurant, having whizzed by the Opera House and Gallery Lafayette, Daniel and I enjoy a light meal in a small brassiere.
“You haven’t touched your champagne,” Daniel complains, tucking into his steak provencal, “not like you. You okay?”
“I’m exhausted, Daniel.” And I am, my feet are pulsating. I haven’t walked this much in years.
“Come on, you’ve got to have at least one glass to celebrate my birthday. I can’t drink all this on my own.” He points at the ice bucket on our table with his fork. I smile and apologise for being so unsociable, especially on his birthday. I take a small, hesitant sip. Daniel frowns at me over his champagne flute. “Is it okay?” I nod and gulp half the champagne back in one go. The bubbles fizz in my mouth, making the back of my throat tingle, my eyes water.