Page 21 of The Temp
‘You really mean it, don’t you?’
‘I can do a bank transfer. The money will be in your account tonight.’ God, where am I going to get ten grand from? I’ll have to borrow it from Georgia’s savings account, then sell one of my mother’s precious paintings to replace it. ‘Have we got a deal?’
He chews his bottom lip. I can see he’s tempted, mulling it over. Go on, Frank, say yes, take it. Take it now and disappear. ‘Good looking woman, your mate.’ He flicks his head towards Linda in the hallway, twisting the foil between his fingers, and my insides ache. What has Linda got to do with this negotiation?
‘I’ll go online now and do the transfer for you.’
‘You’re a fit family.’ He rolls the foil between his index finger and thumb. ‘Mum’s still a bit of all right. Zelda showed me a few photos. A famous artist, isn’t she?’ A retired artist, made very good money from it, but I’d hardly call her famous. ‘I’ve got a bit of an eye for art, but I’d never spend twenty-seven K on a bloody painting.’ My eyes close – he thinks the Villins are loaded.
‘Frank, ten thousand is all I can afford.’
He does that blinking thing, as if butter wouldn’t melt. ‘That temp of yours. Daisy, isn’t it? She’s a bit of a sort, too. Got a boyfriend, has she? Or does she prefer the older married type?’ I want to hurt him. I want to dig my nails into his throat and watch him bleed to death.
‘My offer only stands if you agree to it now,’ I say.
‘Nope, sorry.’
I feel my face flush. ‘Right. Fine. You had your chance.’
‘Wait, where are you going?’ he says with urgency.
‘To do something I should’ve done over a week ago.’
‘What are you going to do, hmm? Fill Zelda’s head with lies?’
‘They’re not lies. You tried it on with me. God, you even told me I was beautiful, or are you going to deny that too?’
‘You are beautiful,’ he says, matter-of-factly. ‘Like I said, you’re a good-looking family.’
‘Don’t try to be clever,’ I snap.
‘Look, I’m being lenient here, because I’m a decent guy, but if you push me, I will tell Tom everything I know.’
I glare at him. ‘Zelda needs to be made aware of your Jekyll and Hyde personality,’ I say calmly. ‘You had me fooled too, to begin with. She needs to know she’s dating a thug.’
‘Thug?’ He actually looks shocked. ‘I’ve been nothing but a gentleman towards you.’
‘Do you call spitting on my car window chivalrous behaviour?’
‘A bit of spittle might’ve accidentally shot from my lips in anger, but I certainly didn’t spit at you.’
‘What about kicking my car, then?’
‘Do you honestly think I’d cause criminal damage? I tripped over the fucking pavement in my haste to get close to you, to get you to listen.’
I shake my head. An answer for everything, as per. He’s really thought this through. Getting Zelda to believe me is going to be tougher than I imagined. ‘I’m sorry, Frank, but I don’t believe you.’
He studies me for a while, saying nothing, and then, ‘Going back to your mate Linda. She’s still sexy as hell. Shame it was only a one-night-stand, although I’m not complaining.’ And now he’s using my best friend as a weapon to stop me from telling Zelda everything. ‘That fat lump Theo is a bit of a wet blanket. Jealous type, is he? Linda could do so much better.’
I scowl at him. ‘Better? What, like you?’ I scoff, and just then a figure appears from the darkness of the alcove and my heart freezes.
‘Just grabbing a couple of beers,’ Theo says. ‘Don’t let me interrupt.’ My face tingles, Frank shoots me a look. I didn’t hear any footsteps. He must’ve already been in the recess before we stepped in, quietly listening. I feel the blood drain from my face. Frank said he had a one-night stand with Linda and that Theo was a wet blanket. Did he hear all that? But no, no. Theo would have flattened Frank by now if he had, or at least given it his best shot. Theo must’ve come in through the patio doors of the recess. We flung them open this morning for convenience.
‘All right, Bro?’ Frank offers, folding his strong arms against his toned chest. ‘Bella’s just filling me in on a few family tales.’
They size each other up. I give Theo a tight smile and he looks at me kindly. ‘We’ll be out in a moment. Linda’s on the phone with your sister.’
Theo’s lip curves downwards, then he nods, takes a swig from one of the bottles and with one final glance at Frank, he’s gone, leaving the echo of his footsteps in his wake.