Page 59 of The Temp
‘Yes, I was on my way back from her auntie’s via the supermarket.’
‘Tom asked her to wait in the living room. When he went off to make her a cup of tea, the doorbell went. Daisy thought it was you, got up and went and stood by the door to check you out. She was nervous as hell. But it wasn’t you. It was a man, introduced himself as Liam.’ My skin freezes. I don’t like where this is going. ‘Tom said you weren’t home, but Daisy reckons Liam didn’t believe him cos he kept looking over Tom’s shoulder. At one point, Liam caught a glimpse of her and she had to duck out of the way. Tom got wind of it and pulled the door behind him, so Daisy could only catch wisps of their conversation.’ Her words penetrate through my skin and seep into my bones. ‘Then Liam started shouting, said you were a lying, evil bitch, asked if Georgia was in.’
‘Georgia?’ I manage, dread coursing through my veins. ‘Why?’
‘I dunno. Daisy reckons Liam sounded like he was three sheets to the wind – her exact words.’ A little smile threatens my lips. I can imagine Daisy saying this. ‘There was a kerfuffle, and the door flew open. Tom had Liam against the wall in an armlock, threatened to kill him if he ever tried to contact you again, or found out he’d been sniffing around his daughter.’
‘Oh, no.’ I swallow back saliva that has filled my mouth. Liam must’ve got the paternity test results and was in denial — got hammered and came round to confront me. He was probably going to accuse me of tampering with the kit, knowing Liam. ‘Why didn’t you tell me all this before, Zelda?’
‘Tom made Daisy promise not to tell you in exchange for securing her a job. Daisy only mentioned it to me because she wanted to find out who Liam was, if he was a threat to you. She is very…um…’ Zelda hesitates. ‘Fond of you, isn’t she?’ I nod, tell her she’s very grateful for everything I’ve done for her, and Zelda rocks her head from side to side as if my statement could be feasible. ‘Anyway, I told her he was just an ex who looked you up on online and to forget about it. Liam was harmless, wasn’t he? I didn’t want to cause any trouble for Daisy, and, if I’m honest, I didn’t think it was such a big deal. Liam was off his head. I thought he was just pissed off with you because you cut all ties with him. But now…’
‘But now, what?’
‘Tom did threaten to kill him, Bella, and now Liam is dead.’
‘No,’ I say, rubbing my thigh. This would mean that Tom’s known about Liam and the DNA test for weeks. ‘Tom wouldn’t…he couldn’t…why would he…unless.’ I close my eyes. I’m back on the sofa with Tom, A4 envelope in hand, running my thumb along the bubbled seal, wet from the rain, or was it?
‘Unless what? Zelda asks, but I ignore her. Mind buzzing. A second-class stamp for something as important as a DNA result? That doesn’t sound right. Tom is forever complaining about the cost of postage stamps, emails everything, and, at a push, will only use second class. The report snaps into my mind. It did look a bit basic – as if someone had just rustled it up in MS Word. Could it be…?
‘Bella. Bella?’ Zelda shakes me out of my daydream. I didn’t even feel her hand curl around my wrist. I give her the thousand-mile-stare. Is it possible that Tom read the results, binned the original and put a fake report in the envelope to keep our family intact, safe? ‘Answer me, Bella. What is wrong with you?’ Tom did bang on about being Georgia’s father no matter what – called Liam a lowlife, said he’d never let him take his daughter from him. ‘Bella, please, you’re doing the lip thing again.’ But no, no, I’m overthinking. Tom isn’t a killer. Besides, he is Georgia’s dad. I’m certain of it. I worked out the dates and everything.
‘I’ve got to go,’ I snap, shooting to my feet.
‘What? Where?’ Zelda’s voice follows me into the corridor, her footfall hurried.
‘I won’t be long.’ I slide a hand into the sleeve of my trench coat.
‘Bella, please, if you think Tom…’
‘If I’m not back before you leave.’ I yank the door open. ‘Lock up and put the spare key through the letterbox.’
‘Hang on,’ Zelda cries, but I’m already climbing into my car. ‘Let me help you, Bella, I’m your sister.’
‘Let me know if you hear from Mum, too,’ I say, ignoring her pleas. ‘And tell Georgia to stay with her. I’ll pick her up later. I want to talk to Daisy alone when she gets back.’
‘Bella,’ Zelda cries as I fire up the engine. ‘You shouldn’t be driving. You’re too wound up. Bella!’
I press my foot down hard on the accelerator. Anna, from across the road, swings out of her driveway. I swerve around her, wheels screeching, and tear down the road, flicking a glance in my rear view. Anna is out of the car, talking to Zelda, arms flailing. But I don’t stop. I need answers from my husband, and I need them now.
Chapter 55
‘Bella,’ Amy trills as I breeze into the surgery. ‘How lovely to see you.’ Amy looks stunning and relaxed behind her computer screen, albeit slightly misplaced; with her Nordic looks and impeccable fashion sense, you’d expect to see her working the floor of a luxury fashion brand in an exclusive store than sitting behind an optician’s desk.
I lean my forearms against the reception desk and look down at her, heart hammering against my arm. ‘How’re things? Good holiday?’
‘Oh, it was absolutely fab,’ she enthuses in her Essex accent. ‘Ricky and I can’t wait to go back next year. Have you ever been to Regnum Carya?’ I open my mouth to speak but she just talks over me. ‘It’s am-a-zing. All inclusive. We had such an incredible time.’ In my peripheral, I notice Tom’s room is slightly ajar. He’s in-between patients – perfect timing. ‘Our friends, Bex and Adam came with, they’ve got two little ones. Benjamin, four, and two-year-old, Ellie, and…’
‘Sounds wonderful, Amy,’ I interject. ‘I’d love to hear all about it but I am a bit strapped for time.’ I give my wrist a quick swivel. ‘Is Tom about? Just want a quick word.’ I make to walk towards his room.
‘Sorry, Bella, he’s gone for an early lunch.’
I freeze. ‘Lunch?’ I spin round. ‘At nine-thirty?’ I pivot my wrist again for impact.
‘Well, brunch. He had a window between nine-thirty and eleven.’ Lying bastard.
‘Oh,’ I say, taken aback. ‘I thought he was booked solid today. Any idea what time he’ll be back.’
Amy shakes her head. ‘Afraid not. You know what he’s like with his work lunches.’