Page 3 of The Rookie
For a split second, there’s silence in the arena.
The silence is interrupted by the dull thud of the puck slamming into the goalie’s shoulder pad.
Are you kidding me? Fuck!
The puck bounces off, still live as the crowd lets out a collective groan.
Tucker fights some big fucker for it and then passes it back to Sebastian.
There’s no opening, so Sebastian passes it back to me.
Eight seconds.
I should take another shot. That’s the plan, but I pass it to Harris instead.
The Flamethrower yanks back his stick and lets it rip with a devastating slap shot.
This time, the goalie doesn’t have a chance.
The puck rips into the top corner of the net and the crowd explodes into cheers.
I watch with my stomach dropping as the boys swarm him. The spotlights are going, the crowd is roaring, and I want to join in the celebration, but I head to the bench instead.
“That was your shot to take,” Coach Moss says as he gives me a disapproving look.
I drop my head. “Sorry, Coach.”
The boys come skating back and just as I’m feeling lower than an earthworm, Harris puts his hand on my shoulder.
“That was a great pass, bud,” he says with a smile.
“Oh. Thanks!”
I can’t help but smile as he skates away.
We close the game out and it’s a big celebration in the locker room.
Some of the boys are dancing on the benches. Some are cracking beers.
I sit down on the bench and text my dad. I always do after a game.
AUSTIN: I choked on the slap shot
DAD: You almost had it. You’ll get into your groove. It’s still your first year. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re doing great.
AUSTIN: Thanks dad
DAD: I’m proud of you son. Are you going home?
AUSTIN: Nah, big party tonight
DAD: Okay, don’t party too hard and don’t forget where you came from. Stay focused.
“We’re headed to Carmella’s tonight,” Nolan says as I turn off my phone. He’s only wearing a towel around his waist. “Big party. Lots of A-listers going to be there.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” Edvard says as he puts his arm around Nolan’s shoulder and takes a long sip from his beer can. “A few basketball players in town—Dennis Frazier, Steve Swoopes. Some huge rapper I never heard of, and apparently, there’s a movie filming nearby so there’s going to be some hot actresses popping by. It’s going to be lit.”