Page 16 of Jamison's Story
“Completely, just have to deal with her ex who’s stalking her, which had her escaping here unknown to her brother, first,” I tell him sending his chin upward.
“That’s why she asked not to mention she’s here?”
“Yeah, might be hell doing nothing but sleeping next to her until she feels secure enough to move forward with us, but I’d never push her for more. Right now, let’s get this in and then I can spend the rest of the day and week with my girl in peace,” I state, and he doesn’t begin to argue, allowing us to finish quickly.
The smile on Natalie’s face when we’re done says it all. She loves it, which means I’d let Nick take a shot for ignoring his original design even if I wasn’t entirely in love with her. I guess this means he’ll get two. One for doing what Natalie wanted with the kitchen rather than strictly what he’d hired me to do, and another for claiming her as mine—whether I’ve physically made her mine or not yet when I see him next.
Chapter 9
A little shiver rushes through me as I stare at myself in the mirror. Cooking dinner with Jamison tonight was a million times more enjoyable than previously, and not simply because we made the spiciest fajitas ever to eat.
We’d run through most of the meals his mom and sister had made up last week and went to the store Sunday afternoon, loading up on groceries to get us through the remainder of this week. He’s so amazing. Everything he did for me that first night showed me, but god, spending time with him this past week just intensified that knowledge.
If I wasn’t completely in love with him—even if I haven’t told him that much—prior to hearing him and Jasmine on the phone together, I definitely would have been afterwards. He’s so sweet to her and her daughters that it makes me want to have one of our own, which is insane considering the crap with Craig is still coming through. Every day the messages are growing worse, his anger at not knowing where I am, is intensifying, and I just want to be done with him.
As much as I want to have Jamison’s babies right now, I also want to finish school. Without the hassles and issues of Craig looming over me. This whole thing with him and my grades just makes me want to have that degree in my hands more, to prove that I did it, that he didn’t destroy me.
Which is also why I’m staring at myself in the mirror right now, trying to decide if I can walk out there to Jamison in this skimpy little nightdress or if I should just put on my normal shirt—with nothing under it this time that is. I’m not going to let Craig take over any more of my mind, my life. No, I’m taking what I want and that’s Jamison. His hands and mouth on me, his body pressed against mine, loving me, because every kiss and touch from him is filled with love and I can’t stop from wanting more of it any longer.
I don’t even know why I bought this nightie. I saw it in the store six months before I even met Craig, so it definitely wasn’t for him, but then I never wore it even for myself. It just felt weird to do it at the dorm, so today is the first time it’s been on my body, and I’m anxious to know what Jamison might think of it.
I let out a deep breath knowing if I spend any more time in here, he’s bound to come looking for me, and make my hand turn the doorknob to open the bathroom door. It’s not like he hasn’t seen me naked after all. He knows what’s beneath this. I’m simply wearing it to show him I’m ready, for him, for more. He’s held me every night since he got here, not pushing for a single touch, just holding me close so I know it’s up to me to make the first move. Even if it’s a bit scary to do so.
“Hey baby, do you want…” Jamison’s words stop as he turns from the couch towards me, his eyes wide and I can’t help but smile as he runs his hand over his mouth, a soft groan falling it.
“I’m not interested in watching a movie tonight,” I tell him, seeing his laptop hooked up to the TV. There’s no cable and the local channels don’t come through the greatest with the little antenna, so it’s either watching DVDs or something saved to a computer.
When he learnt that I love all the potentially nerdy movies like ‘The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy and even ‘The Hobbit’ movies, he hooked up his laptop to it. We’ve been watching them and others he has downloaded to his laptop before bed.
“Nat, baby…” he says, his tone thick and deep, which makes my nipples harden fully beneath the lace of the top.
“What?” I tease playing with the string of the bow that’s between my breasts.
“You’re not playing fair here, baby girl. I’m trying to do the right thing and give you time…”
“I know you have, and it makes me love you so much more for it, daddy,” I state, looking up at him with a grin as he crosses the space to reach me. His breathing deepens and his hands grab me by the waist, pulling me fully up against him.
“Say that again, angel, I think I went a little deaf seeing you in this,” he demands, his fingers wrapping around mine that are on the strings, giving it a little more pressure making it start to come undone.
“I love you, Jamison,” I tell him softly, lifting my arms up around his neck with a grin as his eyes darken three shades. They’re like dark storm clouds and I could easily drown in them. “You’ve given me plenty of time to feel secure with you, but I don’t need any more. I need you. Want you. Want you to be my daddy in every way.”
“Thank the fuck,” he growls, his mouth coming down to mine, stealing my soft little gasp with his lips before his tongue pushes in, teasing mine, as he lifts me fully against him. My legs wrap around his waist, a little moan falling, feeling more air on my breasts, and then warmth replaces it making my hips jerks, pushing deeper against him once more.
Rough skin drags against my breast, sending little shocks down my body, and I arch further into his touch when it lifts from my skin. The cool sheets hit my back seconds before Jamison’s body lifts from me, making me whimper at the loss.
“Fuck you’re so beautiful, baby girl,” he groans, his eyes running down my entire body, making me feel it in so many ways. “I love you more than anything, angel, but I’m only so strong,” he adds when he stays standing next to the bed watching me. “If you have any doubts, any at all…”
“Take me, make me yours, daddy,” I tell him, arching my body a bit more, and the lace falls completely to the sides, baring my entire chest to him.
“Fuck,” he groans, making me shiver as his hand squeezes his cock hard, showing off his impressive length to me once more as the silky material of his shorts bulges.
He jerks his shirt off over his head, baring his chest for me in return, and holy crap. I know I’ve seen it every day since we met, but he’s so ripped it always takes my breath away. I want to touch every inch of his body, starting with his chest, traveling down his sculpted abs, along the impressive definition of the v of his hips. Ending with my hands on his hard cock—along with my mouth as well.
My hips shift, lifting the bottom of the nightie a hint more, and Jamison’s hands move before I can even begin to guess what he’s doing. He grasps the material just below my breasts, and tugs hard, tearing the lace away, revealing the flimsiest little g-string beneath it.
“Tell me you didn’t buy this for someone else,” he growls at me, his fingers sliding beneath the little triangle of them, brushing against my heated skin as they go.