Page 29 of Captured
Even though I hadn’t formally accepted the contract, I’d still taken time to learn all about the man and how he handled business. I’d known some details before, but I’d used a man in my employ, a damn good hacker, to find out every scrap of information out there. What a colorful life filled with blackmail, extortion, and murder. Three things I knew far too much about.
While I killed people openly and without any regret, he did so without getting his hands dirty, always finding someone else to do the work for him. In my mind, that made him a fucking sewer rodent, completely devoid of integrity. At least I owned up to my kills and would happily do so if I was caught by any member of law enforcement.
Which was highly unlikely.
I was too damn good at what I did.
Then again, the men trying to hire me to destroy Gideon in an entirely different way were no better. Oh, they hid behind their philanthropic behavior just like Emily’s father, giving to countless charities, acting as if they were decent human beings, but they were just like Gideon in every way. They were the kinds of organizations that attempted to rule the world with the stroke of a pen instead of a weapon. At least out in the public eye. Either people were stupid or determined to turn a blind eye to what they were really doing behind the scenes. Their complete lack of courage repulsed me. However, I’d heard through various grapevines that Zeus and his buddies were finally in talks with another party to handle their business.
That’s why taking Emily as my own was the best option.
Maybe I’d plant a little seed, allowing Gideon to believe his daughter had been kidnapped by his current number one enemy while enjoying the spoils of taking something so precious. So valuable. Only instead of treating her like shit just like her father had done, I would treat my captive like a queen. Yes, playing the two against each other could bring back the joy in my profession. They could kill each other in a bloody event that I had nothing to do with. That would alleviate two crime syndicates. A win in my mind.
But first things first. I’d need to encourage my lovely angel to surrender to me completely in body and soul.
Everything was ready on the island, my beautiful new possession becoming the finest treasure of all.
I turned my attention to the single light on in the window upon the second floor. It was her room, my beautiful angel. I’d been inside several times, easily disabling the security system and avoiding the guards Gideon employed to keep watch. I could tell her father had been nervous tonight, keeping the two in their positions long after normal hours. No matter. I knew my way around the house and grounds like holding a map in my hand.
I’d touched everything inside her closet, her bathroom, leaving her small tokens of appreciation. I’d wanted her to know her savior was coming. My. Wasn’t I the evilest man of all?
Maybe Gideon was finally nervous given the recent murder occurring near his precious daughter. He should be. Tonight was the night. I couldn’t wait any longer. After the light went out, I waited another fifteen minutes, enjoying the sound of the approaching storm. As the lightning began to flash across the sky, I studied the area once again before heading toward the junction box. All I needed to do was to knock out the electricity, the tool made just for me allowing a disruption of service from over a hundred feet away.
Meanwhile, the two guards had moved toward the back porch under cover as soon as the rain had begun to fall.
It was a mistake that would cost them more than just their jobs.
I held the mechanism directly in the line of sight of the panel box, allowing the beam to flow. If the bastards noticed the single infrared beam, they certain didn’t react. When the power cut, I was free to roam the property.
I moved into the darkest part of the forest in their direction, sliding both the handheld control mechanism and the small binoculars into my pocket. I wouldn’t need them any longer. Darkness was my friend, my comfort. And the great equalizer.
The two men were conversing, smoking cigars that they’d likely stolen from Gideon’s office. At least the two men had balls. I’d give them credit for something. I moved closer, studying them from just a few feet away.
While I was in the mood for a hunt, the kills that much more enjoyable, I was even more eager to have my beautiful angel in my possession. My cock ached just thinking about what I was going to do to her once she was safely locked away. She would soon learn the meaning of the word passion.
I studied them, listening to their jokes and rambling about whatever crap they had going on in their lives. Finally, I grew bored, pulling out another nifty little weapon in my collection. The smoke bomb was harmless but had come in handy more than once. I pulled the pin, tossing it twenty feet away from the jokers, waiting as it went off with a rather subtle but effective boom.
Their reaction was classic but certainly faster than the typical slovenly male. They bolted toward it, the smoke giving a perfect cover screen. That allowed me to advance, easily wrapping my arm around the first guard’s throat, jerking him completely off his feet. Without hesitation, I sliced the sharp blade across from ear to ear, tossing him aside like a rag doll.
Then I advanced to the other, but he was quicker than the first and heard me coming. When he spun around, he was ready to fight, his weapon in his hand. I kicked out, knocking it aside, pleasantly surprised when he lunged for me, throwing a punch. I did so prefer someone with verve.
“Come on, buddy. Come and get it,” he growled. Good for him.
We shared a couple of blows back and forth, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It had been a long time since I’d had a worthy opponent. However, all good things had to come to an end.
He managed to connect with my jaw one more time, but that was the last strike he’d get. I jammed the knife under his jaw, pushing up with enough force he was pitched into the air like a skewered pig.
As I twisted the blade, his choking sounds became such a sweet reward for a hard night’s work.
When his body went limp, I tossed him aside just as I’d done the other fucker.
Now there was nothing standing between me and my sweet angel.
“I’m coming for you, Emily. Are you ready?”