Page 4 of Captured
He used his knee to push my legs open as wide as possible. I was completely vulnerable to the brutal man, the rocketing sensations unlike anything I’d ever experienced. The feeling of being taken was incredible, something I could never admit to anyone.
As he cracked his hand against my bottom, I moaned with the pleasure of what he was doing. Another sweep of sensations rushed into my system, heating my core even more and as I struggled to catch my breath, an even more powerful orgasm caught me off guard. I threw my head back with a muted cry, my eyes open wide.
The unknown stalker continued to drive into me, his grunts and growls even more primal and possessive. I clawed at the bedding, every molecule on fire. One climax morphed into another one, the moment of shock and awe continuing.
And as the hard slapping sounds of skin against skin continued, he let go of my hair, allowing me to loll my head as a roar of ecstasy powered into my system. His cock continued to throb, expanding even more. And seconds later, the beautiful intensity turned into a raw sense of satisfaction as the man who’d taken me erupted deep inside.
He continued to slide in and out for an extended period, the man still hard as a rock. As he wrapped his body around mine like a hard cocoon, I couldn’t breathe all over again.
“I will return, my sweet angel. Then you will be mine until the end of time. Now, sleep and dream of our encounter. And know you will be protected.” He eased me down to the bed, gently repositioning me before standing to his full height. In the shadows, I still couldn’t see his face, but his scent lingered, the sticky feeling on the insides of my thighs a sweet reminder of the craziness that had been the last few minutes.
He tugged the covers up to my shoulders and leaned over, kissing my forehead.
Seconds later, he was gone without closing the door behind him.
I took a deep breath, sleepier than I’d been before, rolling over and pressing my face against the softness of my pillow.
Tick. Tock.
Another rush of fear tickled me into being fully awake and I jerked up, gasping for air, my mind spinning like my stomach was churning. I rubbed sleep from my eyes, allowing them to get used to the darkness. The memories of what I’d just gone through surfaced and I couldn’t stop shaking.
But the door… It was still closed like I’d had it before.
Very slowly I slid my hand under the covers. What the hell? I was fully dressed. Pitching back against the bed, I slipped my hand into my shorts. There was no soreness, no wetness from the intruder’s cum.
Oh, my God. I’d had a crazy fantasy. I laughed, pressing my hand across my face. Whew. The crazy dream had seemed so real, so intense. I was exhausted.
I tugged the covers over me again, returning to a fetal position.
But I could swear the man’s musky scent lingered, filling the room with the hints of a deep forest and citrus, sandalwood, and exotic spices.
And I was utterly and completely terrified, but there was no mistaking what I knew in my head.
The man would return and he would make good on his promise. And I was more than curious as to who and what he was, a strange sense of longing remaining.
My father would remind me in his usual stern method that nothing good came from such horrific, damning curiosity except for harmful things.
That I very well deserved because I was a wanton, depraved girl.
Just like my dead mother had been.
Something my father would never allow me to forget.
Several weeks earlier
Zeus: I sent you what you asked for. Have you received it?
Zeus? Half my clients had used codenames or false ones at minimum over the years. It was notable in the dangerous world I lived in, the lengths people went to in order to eliminate their enemies. I’d gotten rich from people who had tried every other method of challenging their competition, finally resorting to the expertise I offered. But this was… uncalled for. Besides, I knew the man’s real identity as well as the other members of his failing corporation. You didn’t become the best without learning every aspect of those employing you. Unless you were stupid.
Liam Jacobs, CEO of a ruthless company that had been on my radar for years. He and his buddies were behind the request. That had been easy to discover. He thought he was so clever, which kept a smile on my face. They were all chumps, their level of entitlement keeping me fully amused.
Me: Received.
I glared at the open envelope on my desk, studying the two photographs I’d been sent along with the dossier on the mark. The possible client was merely assuming I’d sign the contract. I’d yet to decide. In truth, I didn’t like the mark on any level, namely because I wasn’t in the habit of killing women for any reason. Maybe what little I remembered about my mother had provided a sense that no matter how ruthless a woman could be, she was still the fairer sex and needed to be protected.