Page 188 of Hidden Empire
Many men would kill for them, but putting their lives on the line? That’s an entirely different level of commitment. It’s familial, not transactional.
“I’m just going to check on Jade,” I inform him, nodding to the door I just walked out of. “Isobella is asleep, and Cesar is with Nico and Matteo.”
Anatoly dips his head in acknowledgment. “I will stay.”
“Good work,” I reply with a nod.
Anatoly is bad with thank yous, but typically receives praise well. He almost cringes when Jade expresses her gratitude toward him, so I typically avoid it.
Turning on my heels, I make my way to the kitchen. Jade has been visiting with Ana Knight for a little over an hour now, and I already miss her. My chest aches for her when we’re apart, but I knew I wanted to give her space today. Jade deserves the chance to make friends, and I’m damn well not going to stand in the way of that.
I find Cole before anyone else, oddly enough. He’s standing by the bay window, watching the pool and garden area from inside. I’d half expected him to glue himself to his stepsister’s side for all of today, but it seems he’s exercising restraint.
I don’t mind the kid, I suppose. Since unlike his older brother, he didn’t put in an offer for my wife’s hand, I don’t hate the sight of him.
“Did anyone shoot anyone yet?” I ask, approaching casually.
Cole’s eyes flick to me and he grunts. “No.”
Apollo must be taking supervising seriously then. He’ll be keeping Matteo in line, I’m sure.
“Your baby just joined them,” he tells me, his tone remaining bored and lifeless.
When I peer through the glass, I find Matteo tickling my baby boy’s chin, making him positively gleeful.
“He likes the attention,” I reply, smiling fondly.
Nearby, the fridge opens, drawing my eye. My lips lift, and my feet start moving immediately.
“Look at you learning how to tip-toe,” I comment, grinning at her blushing face.
My wife is wearing a towel like it’s a robe. She has it split down the middle, wrapped around her shoulders, and barely covering the most obscenely tight little green bikini. Her hair is damp from the pool, draping messily around her swollen breasts. She’s a fucking vision.
“I have been known to sneak around a bit,” she teases in return, biting her lip.
Jade uncaps a cold water bottle and sucks back a few big gulps. Swimming makes her thirsty fast.
“Are you having a good time, Krasotka?”
Her smile grows wide. “It’s been great. Cesar woke up?”
I snort, reaching for her hips and tugging her against me. The water clinging to her body doesn’t bother me one bit. “He never truly fell asleep. Isobella is out like a light, though.”
“My sweet girl,” Jade coos. The way her eyes sparkle when we talk about our children never fails to make me weak in the knees. “Hopefully, being in the sun for a bit will have Cesar tuckered out by bedtime.”
Fingers crossed, because I’d love to be able to fuck my wife tonight. Quietly and in the shower, but inside her nonetheless. I can’t get enough of this woman.
I drop a kiss to her lips, teasingly pulling back before she can press for more. “How’d you convince Ivan to let you walk inside alone with Cole here?”
She rolls her pretty blues. “He saw you, of course.”
Chuckling, I smile. “Of course.”
If anyone is more paranoid than me about Jade’s safety, it’s my little brother.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” a deep voice groans. “Try not to breathe on her so damn much, or she’ll end up with triplets this time.”
Matteo Moretti, everybody.