Page 41 of Hidden Empire
The music is turned down low while the judges deliberate silently, and the room feels like it’s buzzing. I have the stronger urge to tuck myself into Dmitri’s side and hide my face. The anticipation is eating at me, and it’s barely begun.
“So?” Gabbie asks, sipping on something from a red plastic cup. “Who wins?”
The guys all share a look. I swear they take longer just to build suspense.
“By a unanimous vote,” Colton begins to announce, drawing out his words to tease the crowd. “The new girl has it.”
I blink, hoping I haven’t misheard.
The group around us cheers, apparently agreeing with the decision.
Holy shit, I won!
I gasp, looking up at Dmitri with an excited smile. My lips remain parted, breath stalling in my lungs as I find him already looking at me. His eyes are warm and admiring, so much so that I want to rub my own and look again just to be sure I’m seeing clearly. He could lean down right now and I’d fully expect his lips to touch mine.
We hold onto the moment, not saying a word.
Our moment is just that, a moment.
“Seriously?” Clara screeches with outrage. “Her? She just put lipstick on him and got on her knees, not very creative!”
“Does it need to be creative if it’s seriously fucking hot?” Cole Knight drawls, clearly bored with her complaining.
“He touched her,” she argues, stomping her foot. “A-and she was practically blowing him!”
I wish.
“Not her skin,” Colton chimes. “No rules against a fist full of hair and or making sex eyes at his dick.”
Gabbie cackles, clearly very pleased with the results of this encounter. “How’s it feel being beaten out by Miss Innocence?” she asks, using Clara’s earlier intended insult toward me back against her.
Clara fumes, the angry girl letting out a high-pitched groan. “Javi?” she tries, grabbing his attention. “What do you think?”
“Dmitri and whats-her-name win,” he says, waving her off.
“My name is Jade,” I toss in, unwilling to be called whats-her-name for a whole semester.
Javi gives me a glance. “Why should I care?”
“The Guards and The Outfit are good friends,” I state, taking the challenge and meeting his eye. “I know you already knew my name, Javier.”
A beat passes before his lips lift. “I like this one.” He moves to leave but gives me one last look before he goes. “See you around, friend.”
“Fuck this stupid game, and fuck this party,” Clara growls, spinning on her heels and storming away in a pissed-off rage. I have a feeling this isn’t the last I’m going to hear of her. The thought is not something to look forward to.
Everyone seems to go back to their own business, but Colton doesn’t leave. Instead, he gives Dmitri an assessing look. His eyes pass between the two of us, and he tilts his head to the side.
Seeming to approve of whatever he finds, he gives Dmitri a nod. “I’d get her back to her room soon if I were you. Armani should be done with his stuff in like twenty minutes. It doesn’t take long when all of them are working together.”
My eyes widen. “You think they’ll be done that soon?”
“Wouldn’t put it past him,” Colton confirms. “I know he doesn’t love the thought of you alone in your room. He definitely wouldn’t love knowing you came tonight.”
I touch my face, hiding behind my hands. “Oh god.”
“Don’t worry too much,” the charming cowboy says. “I got you covered. Any rumors about you being here tonight will be taken care of.”
“Why would you do that?”