Page 66 of Hidden Empire
“Hello?” Ares responds first, a confused edge to his greeting.
“Hi,” Thiago adds, looking behind me, likely assessing Ivan.
“Sorry, I won’t waste too much of your time. I’m Jade, but since both of you have put in marriage offers for me, I’m sure you’re aware of that.”
It took some serious convincing to keep Armani away from these two after the Javier incident. They haven’t done anything technically wrong, my father won’t marry me to them anyway, and they aren’t my teachers, so no boundaries have been crossed. They haven’t even approached me and therefore are not responsible for whatever chaos my brothers would unleash upon them, given they may not have even put in the offers themselves. But I am curious if it was their fathers’ doing or not.
At this point, I’m sure they’re at least aware that offers have been put in. Their fathers’ would have contacted them since they’ve now had time to. Or, on the off chance they did it themselves, of course, they would be aware of it.
The two men share a look, likely unsure how to respond.
“I just wanted to let you both know that you shouldn’t pursue me.”
Thiago arches a sculpted black brow. “Oh?”
“Yes,” I confirm firmly. “You see, my father isn’t looking for a match for me, and even if he was, I’ve already chosen who I want.”
I’m not sure whether having Ivan here is giving me the confidence to do this, or if becoming a Moretti has done that already, but either way it’s sort of exhilarating. I’d never been able to speak so directly to people before, let alone strange men. I had the default belief that everyone saw me like Bruce saw me.
Now, I don’t care how they see me. It’s like I’ve built up an immunity for intimidating tasks. There may still be fear lingering in my gut, but I’m stronger than it.
“Feel free to relay that to your fathers, or simply tell them the part about how my Dad isn’t looking. You can even lie and say you tried, but please, don’t try.”
Ares assesses my face, trying to gauge my seriousness. “Not your type, are we?”
What a strange question since they both look and seem different.
Ares is significantly shorter, and he’s not even short, Thiago is just really tall. And where Thiago has a dark brown complexion, Ares is more olive toned and deeply tan. Thiago has light green eyes and Ares has much darker, deep brown eyes. Where Thiago’s head is shaved similarly to Javier’s, the hair on Ares’ head is thick and wavy, tapered on the sides but more wild on top.
“You’re both very handsome,” I concede, unwilling to lie even if I don’t like complimenting men who aren’t my boyfriend. Before I can add a ‘but’, Thiago cuts in.
“Good genes,” he comments with a rising smirk. “Black and Brazilian look damn good together, don’t they, Ares?”
Ares scoffs. “Arrogance doesn’t.”
“But,” I cut in, interrupting the playful banter. “I know nothing about either of you, and I have to let you know that I have no interest in getting to know you. I’m already taken.”
Dmitri Morozov is the only man for me, I don’t care how soon it is to say that. I feel it in my core.
“You’re warning us?” Ares guesses, tilting his head to the side.
“Because of the boyfriend or the brothers, I wonder,” Thiago muses, humming.
“Both,” I reply bluntly.
“Are we supposed to be scared?” Thiago asks, scratching his stubble.
“Why would you be scared?” I counter. “You haven’t done anything with consequences to be scared of. Yet.”
“I have to say, I’m surprised,” Thiago begins, unfazed by the thinly veiled warning—sort of threat. “How exactly did you manage getting him to let you approach us? Surely this will be a point of contention for your… relationship.
“Oh, Ivan isn’t my boyfriend,” I sing-song sweetly. Turning over my shoulder to look back at him, I grin. “He’ll still protect me like he is, though. Won’t you, Ivan?”
“Without hesitation,” he declares, not a hint of delay in his reply.
Surprised, Ares looks me up and down. “You’re Dmitri’s then?”