Page 88 of Hidden Empire
“I can’t have you entirely naked in my bed, or I’ll never let you leave it, Krasotka. That’s how much power you have over me.”
I also slaughtered a man for speaking about you yesterday. I’d tell her as much if I didn’t think it would ruin the mood.
Jade’s lips tip up. “So if I took off my bra…”
“Don’t,” I warn, voice firm but quiet. “Not yet.”
“Okay,” she relents. “But soon?”
As soon as you’re my wife.
“Soon,” I agree, slowly walking her back to my bed. “Now be a good girl for me and lay down, baby. I want those panties off and these gorgeous legs spread.”
I help her roll the lace down her legs and withhold a growl as she lays back, knees parting. Her pussy is exactly like I imagined, fucking stunning, just like the rest of her.
Peachy-pink and already dripping for me.
“Fuck,” I mutter, taking her all in.
She’s silky fucking smooth and total perfection.
Biting her lip, she asks, “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” I correct, leaving no room for hesitation. “How could I not?”
“I just…” She blushes, pausing to consider her words. “I read online that some guys don’t like no hair there. It’s not immature, is it?”
“Of course not,” I respond truthfully. “Do you like being bare?”
She nods shyly.
“Yeah? Then that’s all that matters, baby.”
She could never shave or shave all the time, and I’d want her all the same. Who gives a fuck about body hair? I’m covered in it, and she’s never complained.
“I never got to shave before,” she admits softly. “I never wanted to do anything that Kim could perceive as being slutty. So when I moved in with my dad, I shaved everything off, and I really liked it. Not just because it makes me all soft, but because I get to choose it, you know?”
If her father doesn’t find that bitch, I will. I’ll gut her like a fucking pig and make sure she knows that she didn’t break Jade, and now she never will. Scum like her deserves to rot, alone and cold, never to be loved or thought of ever again.
“Let me show you how much I like it,” I offer, pulling off my shirt with a single hand. Her eyes widen, scanning the valleys and bumps of exposed muscle. “Like what you see, love?”
“Uh-huh,” she answers, lips parted.
Fuck, I love this girl.
I’d suspected as much already, but I’m not just falling for her, I’m already gone. My heart feels like it’s triple the size when I’m near her, like it could burst through my chest from prolonged exposure to Jade. She makes every protective instinct inside of me light up with megawatt power, and I would never ask for it to change.
It was overwhelming at first, almost worrisome. A Pakhan is meant to remain in total control to keep the people who depend on him safe, but Jade started to remove all my ability to think clearly far faster than I was prepared for. She knocked the wind out of me, and now? Now she’s all of the air that fills my lungs, and I’m so fucking glad I can breathe her in every day for the rest of my life—if she’ll have me.
My knees hit the floor with a soft thud, dropping down before her. My nose drags from the inside of her knee, teasing all the way up her thigh. I breathe her in, sucking in a mouthful of her addictive scent.
Jade covers her face, her fingertips leaving little white impressions on her pink cheeks while she seals her eyes shut. I haven’t even put my mouth on her yet, and she’s panting.
“Don’t hide, you look so perfect from down here, baby.” I caress her legs, planting kisses on the soft insides of her thighs. “Let me see those pretty blues before I lick you, love.”
She mewls, snapping her eyes open and parting her lips to suck in more air, likely to calm herself down. My girl is wound up. That’s okay, I can help her with that.
Looking her in the eyes, I drag my tongue up the length of her cunt. The sound of her broken high-pitched whimper is enough to make my balls tighten up. Coming twice before going to get her was definitely not enough. She tastes fucking phenomenal, and the sounds she’s making are even better.