Page 95 of Hidden Empire
“Also gross,” I point out.
Matteo rolls his eyes. “It’s natural.”
“What if I talked to you about hooking up with boys, huh? Is it natural then, too?”
“You’re going to give me nightmares,” he complains, wincing. “No hook-up talk, got it. It’s a good rule.”
It’s definitely a good rule. Matteo may not be hooking up at Empire, but I certainly am. As often as possible if I get my way.
Chapter 25
“We need to get her off of that fucking island,” I snap, pulling at the roots of my hair. This little bitch is going to drive me insane if she doesn’t die soon.
“At this point, we might as well wait her out. It’s a school, she won’t stay there all year.”
No way are we waiting her out. She’s having a motherfucking great time there if the pictures I’ve received are anything close to accurate, and I won’t stand for it.
She’s meant to be suffering, as she well deserves. I don’t know what kind of magic spell she seems to have everyone under, but Jade is no innocent princess in need of protection. She’s vile.
Her mother was vile, and she’s just as disgusting.
The slut apple doesn’t fall far from the whore tree.
“Fuck that,” I growl. “She’s having fun.”
He shrugs. “Her enjoying life is only going to make ending it for her more fun. Let her have a taste of happiness before we rip it all away. What’s the harm?”
“What’s the…” I clench my fists so hard that my nails pierce the skin of my palms. “What’s the harm?” I repeat, spitting out the offensive question. “That girl is supposed to die without knowing a day outside of misery. I want her dripping with fucking fear like she used to be until you let her get away.”
The glass bottle in his hand threatens to shatter under his tight grip. “I didn’t let her do anything. She’s slippery.”
You’re both incompetent, I want to shout, but refrain.
If I want Jade dead, I need more than just myself to make it happen.
Dante was supposed to make an example out of her. With a girl like Jade, I’m surprised he couldn’t smell the scent of sin on her skin. He went and made a disgrace into a prime little mafia princess.
Oh, but I’ll show him.
He doesn’t deserve the nine children he has already, let alone another one. Maybe I’ll try to take a few of his boys out in the process, though it’d be much more difficult. They’re trained to kill, and all Jade knows how to do is run and hide like a senseless little rat. If I could get onto that island to put her in a corner and strangle her myself, it would already be done. But apparently, that’s too much to ask for.
“Dante won’t keep her away for long, I can’t get intel on the place, but I know it’s not open yearly, otherwise he’d be there too.”
My lip curls up at the sound of his name.
Men like Dante Moretti are the scum of this earth. With more money than god to keep his family safe, he makes a frustratingly good enemy. He has a disgustingly vast amount of allies, people who have almost caught us twice now.
“We’d know more if that cunt of an informant actually did her job,” I grit out.
“She’s scared of them,” he huffs like I don’t already know that. “Says that it’s not just her brothers protecting her, but other people too now. Some Russian family. She doesn’t want to get caught.”
No. Shit.
Of course, she’s scared, and of course, Jade would have some man pitying her into protection. Well, pity, or she’s buying more protection with her pussy.
“We need to level up,” I declare, starting to pace. “I won’t keep hiding, jumping from shack to shack while Dante hunts us down. I want to string her up in his front lawn and watch him fucking weep.”