Page 30 of The Vampire Oracle
“No, I understand.” He had a life. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to guilt you. This is a lot to do in a small amount of time. Thank you.”
He blinked at me while the gym door behind me opened. I glanced back to see Kier coming in, stretching. He wanted to fight me and beat me up more than his brother did yesterday.
“Have fun,” I said to Cozen.
“You too,” he answered back with a chuckle as I closed the door. Glancing back, I saw him through the small window that he had turned back to work. I moved toward Kier in the middle of the room.
“You said you were a skilled fighter, so let’s see what you got.” Kier rolled his shoulders.
I just watched him, waiting for him to be done.
Then he took off his shirt and my eyes stayed glued to his tattoos all over his buff arms and chest. Heat rolled over my body, wanting to just touch him. God, I hated how I reacted to him.
Blinking, I nodded.
Then his fist flew. I dodged it, narrowly missing getting hit. He moved fast, throwing all the punches as I did my best to counter a lot. But I was defensive and cautious, and he could tell. He played into my weaker side, staying on that side for the main hits.
His knuckles cracked against my face, and I hit the mat with a thud. My vision blurred from the pain.
“Come on, Ashbourne. Is that all you got?”
For someone who was worried about my face last night, he sure didn’t care now. I rolled to my feet before deciding to throw a punch of kicks; he defended them with his forearms. Then, his hand grabbed my ankle like his brother, but his slid up my thighs as he slammed me onto the mat.
I grabbed his shoulder, willing my breath to come back. My thighs spread to make room for Kier’s gigantic body.
“You’re weak. Why is that, Ashbourne?” he snapped.
I sighed, feeling my nipples bud under my sports bra. That was when I realized how dangerously close, we were to each other. His hips lined up with mine, semi-hard erection against my pussy.
“Are you who you say you are?” he whispered in my face.
I licked my lips, eyes dropping to his lips. I couldn’t fucking think. The smell of his body wash was intoxicating and overwhelming. My body shook slightly under his. “I’m not lying to you.”
“You’ve lied to me this whole time,” Kier muttered, eyes dropping to my lips. “Beat me up, Ashbourne, like you said you would.”
“Get your cock off me and let me focus, ass.”
He chuckled, sitting up. “Can’t focus because of me?”
I rolled my eyes, rolling on my stomach to get up to my feet. Glancing at him, I prepared myself. I needed to win to prove myself, but my arm hurt, weighing me down. With this dead arm on me, I kept trying to use it as if it would hurt.
But Kier was not about to see me weak right now and without an arm.
“Let’s go again,” Kier said, smirking. Each time he brought me down to the mat, using his body to slam it into me. His cock got harder with time, clouding my mind with need. The need made my body shake. I hated this. I was getting beaten up and tortured with denial.
The moment he tried to slam me down again, I wrapped my legs around him and used my body weight to flip us, so I landed on him. He made an “oof” sound as I reeled back. I was too slow; his hand grabbed my wrist and flipped us over. His hips pushed into mine, sending pleasure through my body.
I tried to hit him, but he grabbed my arm and held it above my head. My chest heaves against him, mouth parted for air.
“What do you do now, Ashbourne?”
“Fuck you!” I snapped.
“Is that what you want?” He smirked.
I pushed my hips up against his large member. “So, do it. We both know you get off on hurting me.”