Page 20 of Kingdom of Lies
"We're moving to a new home," I reply, feeling a bit self-conscious under her gaze. "It's for my grandmother's health."
Mrs. Potts shakes her head in disbelief, her wrinkled face creasing even further. "To the estate of the elf lord? Have you truly lost your wits, girl?" Her disapproving eyes bore into me as she waits for an explanation. The warm sun beats down on us and the scent of freshly mown grass tickled my nose.
I take a deep breath before responding, trying to choose my words carefully. "He says he can help her get better." I can’t help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of leaving this place, even if I might be going somewhere worse.
“Don’t you know what elves do to girls like you?”
Nothing worse than what the men try here.
After the last of our belongings are loaded, I go back inside the little cottage one last time. Despite the life we have here, there have been good memories here, thanks to Grandma.
She’s going to get better.
I leave the cottage without turning back, and find that the entire neighborhood is out now, all of them staring and whispering and gossiping. I smile weakly and keep walking.
Let them think what they will.
All that matters is Grandma’s recovery.
I sink into the plush cushions of the luxurious carriage, feeling the gentle sway of its movement as it begins to roll forward.
Looking out the window, I watch as my childhood village slowly fades from view. The run-down homes, the sickly looking people, the piles of dripir shit that have always been a part of my life already feel unfamiliar and distant.
It's a strange mix of emotions — excitement for what lies ahead, but also a sense of loss for the home I am leaving behind. It was a hellish place, but I at least I knew it. I knew how to navigate the local politics, how to dodge the chief’s wife when she was in a temper.
I don’t know anything about the world I’m walking into now and even less about the man taking me there.
As we travel further away, I can't help but wonder how long it will be until I see these familiar sights again.
Or if I will ever see them again.
Yet there is also a thrill of excitement inside me.
I’m being whisked away to a new life of comfort and privilege. For the first time in as long as I can remember the future is filled with hope and possibility.
With these dizzying thoughts in my head, I watch the only world I've ever known disappear from view.
It doesn’t take long until the carriage pulls up to an imposing stone castle, the likes of which I've never seen before. Draknir himself is waiting outside, looking utterly regal and elegant.
When I step down gingerly from the carriage, he takes my hand and presses a light kiss upon it. "Welcome home," he says warmly.
I blush, painfully aware of my dirt-smudged dress and messy hair. This place is fit for royalty, yet here I stand looking like a scruffy peasant girl.
Some of the fancily dressed elf servants turn up their noses at my shabby appearance and my cheeks burn in embarrassment. I can’t help what I look like.
But Draknir keeps hold of my hand and leads me inside, head held high. "Come, I will show you to your chambers so you can refresh yourself," he says.
I relax slightly, grateful for his gracious manner. Though I feel out of place, his kindness reminds me that I belong here now, at his side. This castle is to be my new home.
I'm astonished when Draknir has not one but three servants meticulously tend to Grandma, settling her into an elegant bedroom. More servants whisk away our shabby bags and boxes, handling them as if they’re actually worth anything.
"Let me show you to your chambers," Draknir says, leading me up a grand staircase.
He guides me to a room he says is directly next to his own. As he opens the ornate door, I gasp audibly. The room is finely furnished and utterly opulent, fit for royalty. Silk curtains, plush rugs, a canopy bed — it's overwhelming.
I turn to Draknir in disbelief. "All this for me? But you're just a soldier...Are you a noble?"
His face does something complicated before it smooths back into the impassive mask he usually wears. "I've served dutifully for many years. My role afforded me nice quarters and a strong wage, which I rarely spent. This lifestyle still surprises me sometimes as well."