Page 24 of Her Hero Daddy
If only it was that easy. But she nodded and rested against him as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. Tears pricked at her eyes, and she didn’t try to stop them as they began falling. She didn’t know how long she cried, but at some point, she realized her eyes had dried, and she sat sniffling as she stared blankly at the arm of the couch. A tissue appeared in front of her face, and she tried to take it from him, but he pulled the tissue away until she dropped her hands.
She was too exhausted to argue as he held the tissue over her nose.
Wadding up the tissue, he tossed it on the floor and wrapped his arms around her again.
“Sorry I’m such a mess. I didn’t sleep well last night.”
Kane frowned. “What kept you awake, baby girl? Thoughts of that asshole? Why didn’t you call me or come wake me up?”
Why didn’t she come wake him up? Because thoughts of him naked were part of what kept her up, that’s why.
“My mind just wouldn’t stop going in circles. I didn’t want to wake you up. You were up for over twenty-four hours coming to save me. You needed to sleep. I’m okay. Really, I am. This is all just new. I’ll feel better once Tim is arrested. I think.”
“I should have known you wouldn’t sleep well, especially on your first night here. Shit. It’s my fault.”
Haylee gave him an exasperated look. “Why would it be your fault? You saved me. You are my hero.”
“I’m looking after you; I should have known. I could have given you something to help you sleep better or stayed with you to make sure you felt safe.”
A knock on the door startled them.
Kane looked at his watch. “Shit. It’s already ten. We aren’t done with this conversation, little one. You still need to eat before you start answering questions for Luke.”
Kane lifted her off his lap, setting her on the couch as he stood to answer the door. Nerves filled her stomach. She hadn’t seen Ally in years, and now her friend was going to see her beat up and bruised. What if they weren’t as close as they had been in high school? What if they no longer had anything in common? Ally had been like a sister to her when they were growing up, and she didn’t want to lose that.
“Breathe, baby alligator,” Kane said before opening the door.
Haylee took a deep breath. When she turned to see Luke and Ally walk into the house, her breath caught in her throat again. Ally walked in first, followed by a massively tall man who looked to be about as tough and terrifying as Kane had seemed at first. The man was slightly taller than Kane, who was already at least a foot or more taller than she was. It was like looking at two giants.
She stood, and Ally rushed over to her, wrapping her into a hug. She tried not to wince at the tight embrace.
“Easy, Ally. Haylee is a bit sore,” Kane said, coming over to Haylee’s side.
Ally let go immediately. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, Haylee! I didn’t even think. Did I hurt you?”
She shook her head. “No. I’m fine.”
Kane scowled down at her, but she chose to ignore it.
Easy there, alligator hunter.
Luke stepped forward and held out his hand. “Hi, Haylee. I’m Luke Matthews. I’m the sheriff here in Pinebrook.”
Haylee smiled up at him. The softness of his tone surprised her, though it had been just as gentle during some of the phone calls when she’d spoken with him. His hard features and size made him look much scarier than he sounded. Like he wrestled bears for a living or something. What was it with the new men in this town wrestling with dangerous animals?
She reached out her hand and shook his. “Nice to meet you.”
He smiled and winked at her.
“Haylee needs to eat something first. Ally, did you have breakfast?” Kane asked.
Ally grinned up at him. “Yep! Luke made me bunny pancakes with a whipped-cream tail.”
Kane narrowed his eyes at Luke.
“Great, so you’ll be high on sugar this morning,” he grumbled.