Page 27 of Her Hero Daddy
Kane growled, scowling at his friend. Haylee looked back and forth between the two men before she reached out and touched his arm gently. He felt himself instantly soften as he looked down at her. Her sparkling blue eyes stared up at him as she squeezed gently. He nodded and gave her a reassuring smile.
Kane invited him inside, and Logan slapped him on the back. He knew that was his way of making amends for messing with him. And that’s all he had been doing, really. Messing with his head. He knew that Logan would never really move in on a woman whom he claimed, just as he would never do that to Logan. Whether Haylee knew he’d claimed her or not, she was his. For the time being, at least.
“Do you want me to examine you somewhere privately, or do you want Kane here?”
He noticed how pale and quiet she suddenly seemed now that Logan was in the house. He hated that he had to put her through something that gave her so much anxiety, but it had to be done. It was for her health and for his peace of mind that she would heal properly.
“I w-want Kane here, please. I don’t like doctors very much. No offense.”
Logan smiled and nodded. “No offense taken. I understand. Seeing a doctor isn’t always fun, although sometimes it’s necessary. But I will try to make it as painless as possible, and if you behave, I have stickers.”
Her eyes lit up, and she grinned. “Okay.”
Logan sat on the couch opposite where she and Kane sat and pulled a chart out of his bag.
“How much do you weigh, Haylee?”
“The last time I weighed myself, I was about one hundred and ten pounds.”
Logan looked at her up and down and frowned.
“Kane, do you have a scale?”
He nodded and went to his bathroom to grab his scale, returning quickly. He didn’t want to leave her alone if he didn’t have to. He had promised her that he would be there with her the whole time. He set the scale down on the tiled kitchen floor. Logan asked her to go stand on it, following her over. She stepped on the scale and looked up to meet eyes with him after the scale displayed that she weighed ninety-four pounds. Kane clenched his fists, trying to keep a straight expression on his face so he didn’t scare her, but he was pissed. That bastard did this to her.
Logan wrote it down on the chart and nodded, telling her she could sit back down. Kane could tell that Logan was in full doctor mode.
“When was your last period, Haylee?”
She blushed, shrugging. “I think it was about a month ago. I’ve had irregular periods for the past year or so, even though I’m on birth control.”
Logan nodded. “You’re probably having irregular periods because you are underweight. You should be weighing anywhere between one hundred and ten and one hundred and twenty pounds. I think that once you gain some weight, your periods will return to normal. The additional stress you were going through also could have affected your periods, so try to do things that make you feel less stressed, okay?”
She nodded, but she kept her eyes focused on the carpet in front of Logan’s feet.
“Since your periods have been so irregular, I’ll have you take a pregnancy test today to make sure that isn’t a cause of your irregular periods.”
“Oh… um… uh… you don’t need to do a pregnancy test.”
Kane and Logan looked at her with confusion. She looked up and met Kane’s eyes before looking over at Logan. “It’s been ten months since the last time Tim and I had sex.”
Relief and sadness filled Kane. Relief that the fucker hadn’t touched Haylee in a sexual way for so long but sadness for her that she hadn’t been cherished and loved the way she deserved.
Logan nodded and jotted down notes. “Would you like me to do some tests to make sure he didn’t give you any STDs?”
Her body began to tremble at his words. Kane reached out and grabbed her hand, stroking it gently.
She took a deep breath and nodded. “We always used condoms, but yes, I think that would be good.”
“You’re doing great, baby alligator. I know this is hard,” he said reassuringly.
She squeezed his hand tighter, leaning herself against the side of his body.
“Haylee, I’m going to have you lay down on the couch so I can feel and listen to your organs.”
She nodded. Kane stood, keeping a hold of her hand as she lay down, her eyes fixated on his. He knelt next to her head and stroked her hair as Logan moved over with his stethoscope. Logan sat on the edge of the coffee table and reached over, gently lifting her sweater up to her bra.
“I’m going to press in some spots, and I need you to tell me right away if you feel any sharp pains, okay?”