Page 31 of Her Hero Daddy
Kane walked Logan out to his car after telling Haylee to stay put on the couch. She nodded, looking too tired to argue. He needed to get her to eat and then down for a nap. He had a lot of work ahead of him to get her healthy, but he was up for the task. She needed to be cared for, and she deserved someone who would look out for her.
“Thanks, Logan. Let me know what I owe you, and I’ll write you a check.”
Logan turned, glaring at him. “You don’t owe me anything, you dipshit. Just take care of Haylee. She’s a sweet one, and she’s scared to death. You also have feelings for her, which means she is one of us, and we take care of our own. It’s possible that she will have nightmares about the stuff she went through, and you might need to get her going with a therapist. I can recommend a few.”
“Okay. Whatever it takes to help her.”
The men hugged and said their goodbyes. Kane was thankful that he had such good people in his life, even though Logan was the one who gave him the most shit. Walking back inside, he stopped in his tracks when he found Haylee asleep on the couch, hugging a throw pillow to her chest. The poor thing was exhausted. The entire day had been overwhelming for her. He should have spaced out her visits with Luke and Logan, but both were things that urgently needed to be done for her safety and health.
Not wanting her to wake up alone, Kane grabbed a blanket and covered her up, leaving her to sleep in the living room. He went upstairs to the nursery he’d created for his future Little and grabbed the baby monitor from the dresser, taking it back downstairs with him. He set up the monitor on the coffee table in front of her so he’d be able to hear if she started moving around, and then he went to his office.
He spent the next hour searching for items for Haylee, ordering for next-day delivery so he wouldn’t have to leave the house. He found the vanilla protein shakes that Logan recommended to all their Daddy friends to give to any Little who might be under their care. He also found a forehead thermometer, which he rolled his eyes at because he knew it was much more accurate to take a Little’s temperature in their bottom, but he supposed Haylee might not be comfortable with that. If she was his, she would have her temperature taken that way often. They weren’t there yet, although he hoped like hell she would be his Little one day.
Kane had just finished completing his order when his phone rang. Luke.
“Kane, it’s Luke.”
No shit.
He didn’t like the tone of Luke’s voice.
“What’s up?”
“Police went to Tim Parker’s to arrest him. He wasn’t there. He hasn’t been to work since the incident. No one seems to know where he is. He never called in to work, just didn’t show.”
He heard Luke take a deep breath.
“Kane, when I put his information into the system, I found out that he has a criminal history. He has beaten up two girlfriends in the past and actually set fire to one of his ex-girlfriends’ houses. He has various other things on his record related to fraud and arson.”
What. The. Fuck.
“God dammit! Fucking find him before I do!”
“We will find him. But there’s more. The police that went to his house said it smelled like something was burning when they were there, so they did a perimeter search to make sure nothing was on fire. When they got to the backyard, they found suitcases and bags of women’s clothes had been set on fire and burned. There was a stuffed bear that had been mostly burned up too.”
Kane felt ill. He ran his hand over his face, trying to comprehend what Luke had just told him.
“You’re telling me the guy is a fucking pyro? An abuser and a pyro. So basically, you’re saying this guy is a straight up psychopath. God dammit!”
He slammed his fist down on his desk.
“We will find him. But until we do, you need to keep Haylee on lockdown and make sure all security measures are in place. There is no reason that he would know she was with you, but we need to be careful. Get rid of her phone in case he put some kind of tracker on it. I don’t have enough guys here to provide security for her. Maybe you should call Damian.”
Shit. He didn’t even think of getting rid of her phone. He should have thought of that. He should have had Luke run a check on Tim himself the second Haylee called so they knew what they were dealing with. He’d dropped the ball on all of that, and he felt like the biggest piece of shit because of it.
“Yep. I’ll call him. I’m going to have him send guys to your place too, since Haylee has a connection with Ally, and he probably knows that.”
As soon as they hung up, Kane dialed his brother. Damian owned his own private security company. He and his men provided security and bodyguard services all throughout the United States. They often used each other’s business resources to help each other out.
“Hey, bro,” Damian’s deep voice greeted.
“Damian,” he said firmly.
“Talk,” Damian said, his voice turned serious and firm.